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A woodland has a more continuously open canopy, with trees spaced further apart, which allows more sunlight to penetrate to the ground between them.

A wooden board or platter on which food is carved or served. 木制食盘一种用于切食物或进餐用的木板或木盘
A wooden building can easily catch on fire. 木制房屋容易起火.
A wooden frame built especially to support the sides of an arch until the keystone is positioned. 支拱板条专门用来在拱顶石放置好以前支撑拱的两边木架子
A wooden peg that swells when wet and is used to fasten timbers, especially in shipbuilding. 木钉一种遇湿时膨涨的木制钉子,用于固定木头,尤指在造船中
A wooden plation by the small river or swimming pool will add to the lividness of the shore line.It servers as a place for rest,body-building and sight seeing. 小河畔、泳池旁、不经意的临水平台,使岸线更加自然生动,临水的感觉更加新切,平台可供人们休息、健身、赏景。
A woodland has a more continuously open canopy, with trees spaced further apart, which allows more sunlight to penetrate to the ground between them. 一块林地有更多连续的开阔,由于树枝隔开的空间更大,这样就使得更多的日光穿透到它们之间的空地上来。
A woodwind instrument having a straight, cylindrical tube with a flaring bell and a single-reed mouthpiece, played by means of finger holes and keys. 单簧管,黑管一种管乐器,有直的圆筒形管身和一个外敞的管口及一个单簧吹口,以指孔和键的方式演奏
A woodwind instrument having a straight, cylindrical tube with a flaring bell and a single-reed mouthpiece, played by means of finger holes and keys. 单簧管,黑管一种管乐器,有直的圆筒形管身和一个外敞的管口及一个单簧吹口,以指孔和键的方式演奏。
A wool fire was blazing in the hearth. 壁炉里一堆木柴剧烈燃烧。
A woolen fabric with a coarse twill weave, used chiefly for suits and overcoats and originally made from the wool of this breed of sheep. 啥味呢主要用作西服和长大衣料的一种斜纹粗纺的羊毛织物,最初用这种绵羊的羊毛织成
A woolen, often ribbed fabric formerly used for hose and trousers. 克尔赛呢过去用来做齐膝短裤和裤子的一种常有罗纹的毛料织物

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