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Abstract: We introduce the meaning of multimodal man machine interface(MMI), the method of evaluation of MMI based on the rate of using modals, and put forward the method of evaluation of MMI based on cognitive engineering.

Abstract: We conduct a theoretical study on the properties of a bound polaron in a quantum well under an electric field using linear combination operator and unitary transformation methods,which are valid in the whole range of electron-LO phonon coupling. 文摘:采用线性组合算符及幺正变换方法研究了电场对量子阱弱耦合束缚极化子的性质的影响.推导出量子阱中束缚极化子的基态能量和库仑束缚势、电场和阱宽的变化关系.数值计算结果表明,基态能量因电场和库仑束缚势的不同而不同,随电场和库仑束缚势的增大而增大,随阱宽的增大而迅速减小.
Abstract: We documented a case of a young male Francois langur attacking humans near Lenglei village near Longgang Nature Reserve,Guangxi,on August 17,2002.Shortly after we parked our car and sounded its horn,a young male Francois langur rushed out of the 文摘:2002年8月17日,对在广西弄岗国家级自然保护区附近楞垒自然屯发生的黑叶猴攻击人的事件进行实地考察.当小车发出鸣笛后,一只亚成体雄性黑叶猴从保护区边缘的丛林中冲出来.十分冲动或激怒地冲到了汽车旁,后来在路边的树上、石头、矮墙上不停地跳来跳去.围观群众躲到很远的地方观望,其中一人被扑到身上,幸好逃得及时而没有被咬伤.据访问了解,这只亚成体公猴从2001年初开始在保护区边界村庄附近已连续伤害了15个人和2只狗.分析和探讨这种攻击人类行为的形成是十分有意义的.
Abstract: We have studied the polarization beats spectroscopy with phase-conjugation geometry in a cascade three-level system.It was found that the accuracy for the energy-level difference measurement is determined by the homogeneous linewidths of the opt 文摘:研究了级联三能级系统中的相位共轭极化拍频光谱术.发现其对能级差的测量精度决定于光学跃迁的均匀增宽.在符合拍频条件时,两独立光源拍频的频差可以超出激光线宽,激光绝对频率的测量精度可达到与激光线宽同一量级.
Abstract: We have studied the spontaneous emission from a three-level atom with an external-driving field in a photonic crystal.As a result of quantum interference and photon localization,the population in the two upper levels displays quasi-oscillatory o 文摘:讨论了在双光子驱动场作用下,三能级原子在光子晶体中的自发发射问题.由于量子干涉和光的局域化作用,两个上能级中的占据数将具有周期振荡或准周期振荡的性质,这不仅依赖于两个上能级与禁带的相对位置,同时也依赖于原子的初始状态,而且还与驱动场的强度、驱动场的入射位相有关.这些性质既与真空中带有驱动场的原子的自发发射性质不同,也有别于无驱动场作用下光子晶体中三能级原子的自发发射性质.
Abstract: We have studied theoretically a beat effect in a four-level system due to fifth-order optical polarization,and considered the cases that the pump beams have either narrowband or broadband linewidth.We have found that the accuracy for the energy- 文摘:研究了四能级系统中基于五阶极化的拍频效应,考虑了抽运光束为窄带线宽或宽带线宽的情形.发现其对能级分裂的测量精度决定于光学跃迁的均匀增宽.也就是说,这种技术在测量与基态是偶极禁戒跃迁的两激发态之间的能级分裂时,可得到消除多普勒增宽的精度.
Abstract: We introduce the meaning of multimodal man machine interface(MMI), the method of evaluation of MMI based on the rate of using modals, and put forward the method of evaluation of MMI based on cognitive engineering. 文摘:本文介绍了用户界面评价的意义,多通道用户界面的含义,分析了基于通道利用率的评价方法,提出了基于认知工程的用户界面评价的方法。
Abstract: We make a survey and analysis of the personality factor in 78 outstanding nurses with “cattell the sixteen personality factor testing”.It shows that they have the personality factors of being less sensitive,serene,perceptive and resolute as comp 文摘:采用卡氏16项个性因素对78名优秀护士的人格特征进行测量分析,结果表明:与一般护士比较,她们具有低敏感性、安详、机警、果断的人格特征;同一般女性相比,她们具有高敢为性、高实验性、高独立性、高自律性、低恃强性、低怀疑性和低世故性的人格特征。
Abstract: We now face the conflict between the limited health care resources and the tradition of “being good to life”.The hygiene economic can be an available solution to the conflict.Postmodern philosophy and ethics,particularly the life value theory sh 文摘:卫生资源严重短缺和“善待生命”传统的冲突将在卫生经济伦理学的建构中得到缓释,后现代主义哲学与伦理学,尤其是生命价值理论对“放弃治疗”予以理论支撑,而它源于医学科学技术发展、经济伦理背境和西方各种哲学和伦理学反传统的思潮,并指导“放弃治疗”的科学标准的建立和程序法则。
Abstract: We tested bacterial endotoxin in the Nao Weizhi Injection with tachypleus amebocyte lysate(TAL) and compared this method(TALT) with the rabbit′s(RT) method for the pyrogens test mentioned in pharmacopeia.The results indicated that the Nao Weizhi 文摘:用鲎试剂法对脑维治注射液中的细菌内毒素进行检测,并与《中国药典》家兔法检查热原进行对比.结果表明,脑维治注射液经适当稀释对用鲎试剂检查其中的细菌内毒素无干扰,鲎试剂法可以用于脑维治注射液细菌内毒素检测,以替代家兔法检查热原.
Abstract: When a NC milling toolpath is generated,in order to reduce machi ning errors and manufacuring cost, the optimization of NC toolpath have to b e paid attention to. 文摘:在生成NC铣加工刀具的运动轨迹时,应注意优化加工路径,以减少加工误差、减少加工成本。
Abstract: When a cluster of particles is immersed in a uniform electric field,the particles are coupled together due to the mutual interaction among them.This interaction causes the dipole moment of the cluster to be dependent upon the spatial arrangement 文摘:置于均匀电场中的一簇球形颗粒,由于其内部的相互作用而耦合在一起.这致使簇的感应偶极矩与簇的几何结构,大小以及颗粒的介电常数等参量有关.试图通过已知的链的偶极矩确定任意大小长方结构的簇的偶极矩.假定颗粒链可以被具有同样偶极矩的一个等效介质球代替,并将具有空间结构的颗粒簇处理成面结构簇,再将面结构简化成一个颗粒链,从而确定簇的偶极矩.在这一过程中,通过不断增加等效球的尺寸,将颗粒间的相互作用包含在簇的偶极矩中.数值分析了立方结构簇的偶极矩,结果是可接受的.

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