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In popular Egyptian mythology, Isis is both sister and wife to Osiris the king.

In poor regions, the rate of contraception should be raised. 要提高贫困地区的节育率。
In poor rural areas, owning a bicycle is a sign of comparative wealth. 在贫穷的农村地区, 有辆自行车就是比较富裕的象征.
In poorer areas teachers often go unpaid for months, and school buildings unrepaired. 贫困地区经常几个月发不出教师工资,学校建筑也没法修。
In poorer families, however, there is little disposable income to bid away on eBay. 然而,低收入家庭可不能随便在网上购物。
In popular Christian tradition Mary Magdalene is a prostitute who finds redemption by apprenticing herself to Jesus. 普遍的基督教传统上,玛丽亚抹大拉是一个妓女,通过让自己当了耶稣的学徒而找到救赎。
In popular Egyptian mythology, Isis is both sister and wife to Osiris the king. 在通俗的埃及神话里面,伊希斯既是国王欧西里斯的妹妹,又是他的妻子。
In popular areas: - Concentrate use on existing trails and campsites. - Walk single file in the middle of the trail, even when wet or muddy. - Keep campsites small. 在密集使用区-使用现存步道及营地-以一列行走步道,即使湿地或泥泞地。
In port engineering, cracks in wharf surface will not only influence the visual quality of project, but also weaken the durability of structures when sea water penetrates into deep cracks and corrodes the internal reinforcement. 摘要在港口工程中,码头面层产生裂缝,影响工程的观感质量,海水渗入深度大的裂缝腐蚀内部钢筋,影响结构的耐久性。
In port, the sailing ship, Hannah, under the command of Captain Mitchell lay at anchor. 在港口,那艘帆船“汉纳”号,在米切尔船长的指挥下,正抛锚停泊。
In positron emission tomography (PET), a patient is injected with a radioactive element that produces photons, which are sensed slice by slice. 至于正子断层扫描(PET)的做法,受试者要先注射可产生光子的放射性元素,然后从每个切片中侦测光子的存在。
In practical application, due to the parameter accuracy of two point temperature correction is limited by readout circuit noise、dynamic range、analogue to digital converter word length and calculating noise, the performance of focal plane array detector is 目前实用性较好的两点温度定标法的校准系数精度受读出噪声、信号动态范围、模数转换字长和运算噪声的限制,很难使焦平面探测器的空间残留噪声达到应有的精度。

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