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A timely delivery means a lot to us.

A time for taking stock of one's life. 对一个人的一生作出评价的时候
A time line for development was included as were capacity and estimates of the number of persons who would access the square on a daily and hourly basis. 请问怎么译啊?大概我知道是指每天每小时进入广场的客流人数的预测什么的。谢谢了!
A time measurement for a given computer word to pass a given point as in serial storage delay-lines. All of the bits of a word must pass through the input control gate; the beat is then the sum of all the bits times. 在串行存储延迟线中,计算机字通过某指定点的一种时间度量。该字的所有位必须通过输入控制门,拍则是所有位时间之和。
A time-frequency analysis method is presented to solve paper machine press section bearing vibration signals of unstable and complication, applying wavelet function to the unstable signals for faulty bearing according to paper machine press section roll b 摘要针对纸机压榨部滚动轴承尺寸大响应弱、运转速度低、低频信号容易淹没、调制源多、振动信号非平稳性等特点而导致常规的傅立叶分析诊断故障效果不佳的情况,提出了一种应用小波变换的时频分析方法,对振动信号进行分解和重构处理,获得了振动信号在不同的频段的分量,提取相应特征频段重构分量的功率谱的频域统计值作为特征参数,从而实现对轴承故障诊断。
A timely delivery mea a lot to us. 及时交货对我们来说关系可大了。
A timely delivery means a lot to us. 及时交货对我们来说关系可大了。
A timely medical treatment could have saved the child. 如果及时治疗,这孩子本可以得救的。
A timepiece, especially one used for measuring and signaling the end of time intervals, as on a stove. 定时器一种计时器,尤指控制时间间隔并指示间隔结束的那种计时器,如炉子上的计时器
A timer can set the charging period to prevent the carbon stacking and the wear of electrode. 电极与工作物放电时之时间设定功能,可防积碳及防电极损耗。
A timer is fixed to optionally adjust time of mixing freely. 装有定时器可以任意调节混合时间。
A timer is started whose handler is going to access the data structure. 管理者要存取数据结构会开启一个定时器。

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