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3 provide guidance and advice to in-country financial management regarding policy, processes, systems and financial staffing and organisation.

3 months later of the completion, it is surely for the reason of contractor itself, the inspection and test can not be executed, then it can be delayed, but should not overpass 3 months. 如本工程安装完工后三个月,承包人确因发包人原因无法进行检验调试,则本工程调试期顺延,但最长不超过三个月。
3 more pitches and Godly Wisdom walked, because Godly Wisdom never swings at what Satan throws. 还有三投,神的智慧自由上垒,因为神的智慧从来不击撒旦掷的坏球。
3 of S.1 &S.2 English lessons will be allocated for oral practice using drama approach. 中一、中二英文课堂之其中三节将使用戏剧之方法进行口语训练。
3 of them are badly damaged. 其中有3个严重毁损。
3 provide evidence or report of the alleged accident. 3提供是次意外之证明或说明。
3 provide guidance and advice to in-country financial management regarding policy, processes, systems and financial staffing and organisation. 为中国财务管理层提供有关政策、程序、系统、财务人员配置及组织结构方面的指导性建议。
3 shipment must only be effected by conference/regular line vessel not over 15years old covered by institute classification clause and a certificate to this effect from the shippin company/agent must accopany negotiated documents. 必须使用经当局认可的船龄不超过15年的班轮运输,议付单据需附此船公司或其代理的证明.
3 some of them suggested there might be a diplomatic price to pay. 试译:其中一些人认为,可能需要付出外交(上的)代价。
3 sometimes dreaming is good for us. 有时做梦对我们有好处。
3 stages of temperature control,2 levels of injection pressure, non-stage abjustment injection speed and back pressure, be suitted in precise shaping of engineering plastic. 料筒油温控制,两极注塑压力,射速、背压无段调整,上、下模具温度独立控制。
3 star hotels will generally allow you to work in different areas as they have an expectation of their employees to be multi skilled and adaptable. 三星级酒店希望他们的员工能够掌握多种技能,所以你会在不同的区域工作。

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