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All the items list on the catalogue that enclosed herewith are in stock and they can be shipped immediately.

All the international schools have lengthy waiting lists for all ages. 所有国际学校,每个年级都有长长的候选名单。
All the interpretations of instruments, as far as possible,are to be such that every inconsistency is removed. 所有的解释,若是可能的话,必是通过消除文本中的矛盾而实现的。
All the introductions are Chinese Edition. They can be translated into English Edition in the official site of SIFF. 剧情介绍都是中文版,可在SIFF官方网站上转成英文版。
All the inventories shall be disclosed at historical cost financial statement. 各种存货在会计报表中应当以实际成本列示。
All the items for export must be under the tight seal which ensures that we always put the Total Quality Control into execution. 所有出口品种都必须真空密封,以保证全面控制质量这一措施的实行。
All the items list on the catalogue that enclosed herewith are in stock and they can be shipped immediately. 3随函寄去的目录所列全部项目现有存货,可以即期装运.
All the key mechanical parts and electric control system are imported components. 关键机械零部件,电气控制系统均采用进口件。
All the keyboard events will be propagated to the XIM, which determines the appropriate action for the events based on the current state of the XIC, and passes back the resulting characters. 所有键盘时间都被传递到XIM,它根据XIC的当前状态决定事件对应的正确动作,然后传送回相应的字符。
All the keys are inside. 所有的琴键都在里面。
All the kids make fun of me, They say I have a big head. 所有的孩子都取笑我,他们说我有一个大头。
All the kingdom of Og in Bashan, who reigned in Ashtaroth and in Edrei (he was left of the remnant of the Rephaim); and Moses struck them and dispossessed them. 12还有巴珊王噩的全国,他在亚斯他录和以得来作王;(他是利乏音人所剩下仅存的;)摩西把这些地的人都击杀、赶逐了。

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