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The emblem of the 2004 Athens Olympic Games is an interwined olive wreath.

The embattled attorney general is leaving after months of the firing calls to resign over charges of misconduct. 因为行为不当,数月来要其辞职下台的呼声不断,现在这位备受争议的司法部长终于要离开了。
The embattled the Attorney General is leaving after months of firing calls to resign over charges of misconduct. 由于此前解雇8名联邦检察官的不当行为,这位司法部长已陷入绝境,他将引咎辞职。
The embers were still incandescent although the flames had disappeared. 尽管火焰已灭,余烬仍然炽热。
The emblem for this stage was a harpe, the harpe that Persus decapitated the Gorgon. Symbolizing the destruction of the lower and animal aspect of the initiate. 这个阶段的象征是竖琴,帕斯是用竖琴斩了蛇发女怪的手,象征着开始对较低级和动物外貌的毁坏。
The emblem of Shanghai shows a white magnolia flower(the office city flower),a large junk and a propeller ,all symbolizing the poineering and enterpriseing spirit of the city. 上海市标以市花白玉兰、沙船和螺旋桨组成,它象征这个城市开拓进取的精神。
The emblem of the 2004 Athens Olympic Games is an interwined olive wreath. 2004年雅典奥运会会徽是一个用橄榄枝编织的花环。
The emblem shows five colors. 此图案有五种颜色。
The embodied being can never completely give up activities; but it is described that by renouncing the fruitive results of actions that one is renounced. 体内的灵魂永远也不会完全放弃行为活动,但是,经中描述说,谁放下了对利益行为结果的执着追求,谁就解脱了。
The embodiment of beauty and emblem of fortune, the peacock's breathtaking display bedazzles with its array of prismatic colours, as it rides the wind, gliding gently through our world, bringing to the people the refreshing breath of good fortune. 美丽的象徵、吉祥的腾现,孔雀展开斑斑让人惊艳的彩屏,御风而行、轻盈滑过人间,带给人们美好幸福的气息。
The embodiment of dignity, Beckham has not whinged to the Spanish media about his treatment. 这是尊严的具体化,贝克汉姆并没有气愤地向西班牙媒体抱怨自己所受到的对待。
The embodiment of the ecological idea in the gardening elements are: plant landscape came from nature, structures were combined with landscape settings, the artistic conception created by limitary art imagery of rocks and waters could be experienced. 分析了中国古典园林生态观在园林各构成要素中的具体体现:植物之自然天成,建筑之相融相生,山水之寸景生情等。

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