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As a new phenomenon in the domain of cultural consumption, entertaining events in media plays a double function of both maintaining and dissolving the social structure.

As a new kind of technology, network linking arouses some thoughts in legal field. 摘要网络链接作为一种新技术,引发了一些法律层面的思考。
As a new material, Fluorphlogopite Mica awaits other applications in other fields by numerous scientists and technologists. 作为一种新材料--氟晶云母,还有待于广大科技工作者在新的领域选用。
As a new material, the prospective will be more expansive in the future. 作为一种新型材料,纤维柄的发展前景十分广阔。
As a new means of building fire protection today, performance-based fire protection design have more and more exercise in modern architecture plan. 摘要作为当前新兴的建筑防火设计方法,性能化消防在体育场馆建筑消防设计中的应用已逐渐受到业界的重视。
As a new mode of economic development, recycling economy, with the ideas of reduction, reuse, recycling, can be applied to guide overall planning modification of land use, eco-industrial park construction, new economy accounting instauration, ecological r 循环经济作为一种新的经济发展模式,运用循环经济“减量化、再使用、再循环”的理念指导土地利用总体规划修编、生态园区建设、新经济核算体系建立、生态退耕和土地整理复垦,可以节约和集约用地,提高土地质量,从而保证土地资源的可持续利用。
As a new phenomenon in the domain of cultural consumption, entertaining events in media plays a double function of both maintaining and dissolving the social structure. 作为文化消费领域出现的新现象,传媒娱乐事件在社会结构的维系和分化中发挥着双重功能。
As a new separation technique, capillary electrophoresis offers a number of important attributes including: high separation efficiency, short analysis time, and low sample consumption. 作为一种新型的分离技术,毛细管电泳具有分离效率高、速度快、样品耗量少等优点。
As a new strain monitoring technique, linear monitoring has been gradually spread all over the world. 摘要线法监测作为一种监测基桩应变的新技术,正逐渐在全球范围内推广。
As a new style of family, DINKbrings great impact to Chinese traditional opinions of procreation and affects society deeply. 摘要作为一种新型的家庭形式,“丁克”家庭的出现极大地冲击了中国传统的生育观,并对当今社会产生了深远地影响。
As a new sub-region cooperation within the frame of China-ASEAN free trade area, the economic cooperation in Beibu Gulf includes the coastal areas from Beibu Gulf to the southern sea of China. 摘要泛北部湾经济合作作为中国-东盟自由贾易区框架下新的次区域合作,囊括从北部湾到南中国海的沿海区域,为中国与海上东盟六国搭建了新的合作平台。
As a new subjcct, there has been no teaching syllabus and schoolbook, there are many focuses of debate in labor analgesia. 摘要分娩镇痛是一门新兴学科,尚无现成的教学大纲和教科书,也有许多争义的焦点。

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