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An intelligent hotel and commercial building of complete functions, China Mayors Plaza is 28-storey high and has a floorage of 23,000 M ,setting in unique architectural style,the exterior golden glass gleams and shimmers in the heart of the downtown skyli

An intellectual can only be negative, who can discuss, criticize and satirize, but cannot be nourished by them. 一个知识分子只可能是负向的,他会争论,批评和讽刺,但这不可能给你营养。
An intelligence agent who supervises or instructs another agent. 监督者监督或指导另一情报人员的情报人员
An intelligence test is a rough measure of a child's capacity for learning, particularly for learning the kinds of things required in school. 智力测验是一种概略的措施,用来测试一个孩子的学习能力,尤其是学习校内各门课程的能力.
An intelligent defender, Evans combines an uncompromising physical approach with the ability to pass the ball out from the back. 他是一名极有天赋的后卫,埃文斯拥有强壮的身体和优秀的能力来确保球远离本方后场。
An intelligent form of life, might have mastered space travel, and be able to escape to another star. 已经掌握了太空旅行技术的有智慧的生命,也许能够逃到另一个星球上去。
An intelligent hotel and commercial building of complete functions, China Mayors Plaza is 28-storey high and has a floorage of 23,000 M ,setting in unique architectural style,the exterior golden glass gleams and shimmers in the heart of the downtown skyli 中国市长大厦是一座功能齐全的智慧型酒店及商厦,它楼高28层,建筑面积2.3万平方米,建筑风格独特,外墙壁采用最新金色玻璃幕墙,璀灿生辉,气派非凡。
An intelligent measuring instrument for the determination of liquid concentration with higher performance-cost ratio is introcduecd. The design of hardware, software, testing and accuracy analysis for the instument are reported. 摘要主要介绍了一种性能价格比较高的液体浓度智能检测装置,并对此装置进行了硬件、软件设计以及实验测试与精度分析。
An intelligent paraboloid truss antenna is designed and its dynamic model is presented by means of finite element method. 摘要设计了一个智能抛物面桁架天线,采用有限元方法得到了它的动力学模型。
An intelligently arranged computer method is put forward aimed at the difficulty in the design of water distribution system and a corresponding software is also programmed. 摘要针对注水井配水系统设计中的复杂问题,制定了配水工具智能化排布的计算机算法,并编制了相应的软件。
An intense conversation could mean there are changes coming up and soon. 桔解:一场激烈的谈话表明某些变化正在迫近。
An intense inferno, reaching temperatures of 2500F will quickly engulf the aircraft. 高达2500华氏温度的火焰很快地吞噬整个飞机。

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