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3 Incineration cannot , of course , eliminate landfilling .

3 In order to receives well passes on the folk culture, this can collect the folk daily necessities to the Wanzai neighbors, altogether has collected more than 300, plans the selected location to have more than 80 years historical the prewar Tang building 3为了更好地承传民间文化,该会向湾仔街坊募集民间生活用品,共收集了三百多件,计划选址已有八十多年历史的战前唐楼──蓝屋,在其地下开设「湾仔民间生活馆」,展出有关物品。
3 In the Align Panel, select To Stage to apply alignment modifications relative to stage dimensions. 进入把镶板排成一排,去舞台,选择应用关于舞台尺度排成一行缓和.
3 In the event that Buyer found that the specifications and/or quality and/or quantity and/or condition of the commodities were not in conformity with this Agreement due to a reason for which Seller is liable, Buyer would have right to claim to Seller wit 如果买方发现协议产品的规格、质量、数量以及状态与协议的规定不符,而原因是可归责于卖方,买方有权在货物到达目的地后的××天内向卖方提出索赔。
3 In the modern world salt has many uses be-yond the dining table. 在当代世界,盐除了食用还有许多其他用途。
3 In windy conditions and certain situations, netting must be placed between the toe board and mid-rails (and top rails in some cases) to prevent materials, i.e. paper, rags, small tools; various materials from being blown off the scaffold decking and fal 在多风环境中和某些条件下,必须在隔板和中间隔档(有时隔板与顶部隔档)之间安装防摔网,以便防止材料(例如纸张、破布、小型工具等各种材料)被风吹下平台,落到下方地面上的暴露人身上造成摔落危险。
3 Incineration cannot , of course , eliminate landfilling . 焚化当然不可能避免掩埋.
3 It is hazardous to ride bicycles in the city area. 在市区里骑脚踏车很危险。
3 It should audit the departmental yearly budget. 甲、本系年度预算执行之稽核。
3 It's a satisfying life too. 这也是一种令人满足的生活。
3 Its entrance is a spectacular pagoda-like structure. 它的入门处是一个雄伟的塔状结构.
3 Jesus answered, Neither hath this man sinned, nor his parents: but that the works of God should be made manifest in him. 21至于他如今怎麽能看见,我们却不知道。是谁开了他的眼睛,我们也不知道。他已经成了人,你们问他吧。他自己必能说。

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