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According to a report in the New York Times, Williams turned down the Yankees' offer of a Minor League contract and invitation to spring training.

According to a recent survey and with some statistical, census data and references, this thesis synthetically analyzed the current characteristics of the of the Uighur, Kazak, Hui, Mongol and Kirghiz population in Xinjiang, and discovered some questions o 摘要本文根据实地调查资料与结合历年统计资料,对新疆的五个主要的少数民族,即维吾尔族、哈萨克族、回族、蒙古族和柯尔克孜族人口的优生优育及生殖健康进行综合分析,探索这些少数民族人口优生优育、生殖健康方面存在的问题并提出相应的结论与对策。
According to a recent survey, in Shanghai alone there are more than 2.5 million migrant workers. 依据最近的一项考察,单上海就有250多万外来民工。
According to a report by the Iraqi ministry of health, public works and social affairs and the ministry of education released at the end of 2004, more than a million youngsters work in hazardous conditions, vulnerable to sexual abuse and violence. 伊拉克健康部的一份报告显示,超过100万的伊拉克少年儿童在恶劣的环境中当童工,他们中的许多人受到性侵犯和暴力伤害。
According to a report in Star Magazine, Urban, after his October 2006 rehab stint and busy tour schedule, is desperate to spend precious time with his step-kids. 据《明星》杂志的一篇报道,厄本2006年10月结束戒酒治疗及完成之后的繁忙巡演计划后,迫切希望能与他的继子们共度宝贵时光。
According to a report in the Los Angeles Times on Thursday, Bryant apologized to Los Angeles Lakers general manager Mitch Kupchak for publicly demanding a trade on May 30. 根据洛杉矶时报星期四的一篇报道,布莱恩特为5月30号公开要求交易,向湖人总经理库普切克道歉。
According to a report in the New York Times, Williams turned down the Yankees' offer of a Minor League contract and invitation to spring training. 根据纽约时报的报导,威廉斯拒绝了洋基队提出的小联盟合约和春训的邀请。
According to a report on Dutch Teletext (15th August 2001) Vladimir Kramnik, Garry Kasparov and Anatoly Karpov will play in a tournament in December to celebrate the 90th anniversary of the birth of Mikhail Botvinnik in Moscow. 根据8月15日一个荷兰文的报告,卡斯帕罗夫,克拉姆尼克和卡尔波夫将在今年12月出席莫斯科一个庆祝鲍特维尼克90岁生辰的比赛。
According to a report published in the current Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, color in nature occurs due to two basic processes: pigmentation and structural coloring. 根据一篇发表于《当今自然科学报》的文章,自然的颜色发生于两种基本过程:色素沉着和结构性色彩。
According to a rough estimate the loss is around US$ 800,000 per annum. 粗略估计年损失约达80万美元。
According to a rule in Design Standard for Energy Efficiency of Residential Buildings in Hot Summer and Cold Winter Zone. we conduct a heat insulation test for aerial slob ventilation roofs of which index of thermal inertia is under the standard, to reach 摘要依据《夏热冷地区居住建筑节能设计标准》的相关规定,对D值达不到要求的架空平板通风层顶进行隔热验算,得出其节能设计的直砚标准,方便广大设计人资在实际工程中采用。
According to a set of test data of Servo Control Systems, the paper has made system identifications of positive and inverse model based on neural net works, and analyses identification result and puts forward possible scheme to realize High Speed and High 摘要根据一组伺服驱动系统的辨识试验数据,进行了基于神经网络的非线性系统的正模型与逆模型辨识,分析了辨识结果,给出基于神经网络模型的内模控制方案,并提出了实现高速高精运动的可能方式。

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