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“The campaign says nothing about what the government or the food industry could do to help people to eat less and move more,” says Marion Nestle,chair of the Department of Nutrition,Food Studies and Public Health at New York University.

“The biggest disease today is not leprosy or tuberculosis, but rather the feeling of being unwanted. 当今最严重的疾病不是麻风病和肺结核,而是感到被抛弃。
“The biggest problem with wave-power generators is that they are relatively expensive,” says Keith Melton of the New and Renewable Energy Centre in Blyth, England. “最大的问题在于海浪发电机的价格现对比较昂贵,”位于英格兰布莱思的新能源和可再生能源中心的基思?梅尔顿这样说道。
“The birdlike gestures are worn away to a mere picking and pluck her way between the tire rims and the sunflowers, between Coke bottles and milkweed, among all the waste and beauty of the world——which is what she herself was. 那鸟儿般轻盈的姿态如今只剩下扑朔着啄食,扑朔着寻找出路于车轮之间,与葵花簇里,与可乐瓶子堆上,与野草丛中,与世界所有的污垢和美丽当中——她自己也正是美丽与污垢的化身。
“The bravos and the ovation burst forth as though catapulted from the soul of the audience the Ollin Yoliztli Hall. A magnificent way to initiate the 1999 concert season. 从奥林·约莉兹特丽音乐厅爆发出的欢呼和喝彩就好像发自于听众们的灵魂。这次伟大的表演拉开1999年音乐季的序幕!
“The buyer himself must sign the Purchase Confirmation on the spot. 把其翻译成汉语:买受人必须当场亲自签署成交确认书。
“The campaign says nothing about what the government or the food industry could do to help people to eat less and move more,” says Marion Nestle,chair of the Department of Nutrition,Food Studies and Public Health at New York University. 纽约大学营养、食品与公共卫生系主任马里恩·耐斯特说:“这项活动根本没有提及政府和食品工业在帮助人们少吃多动方面能做什么。”
“The colonel or commanding officer approves the sentence of a regimental court-martial” (Charles James). “上校或指挥军官同意团队军事法庭”(查理斯·詹姆斯)。
“The concept that you can wash away your acne is not based on true fact,”said dermatologist Alexa Boer Kimball, director of Harvard University's Clinical Unit for Research Trials in Skin. “通过擦洗去掉粉刺的做法是不对的,”哈佛大学皮肤病临床试验研究组主任皮肤病学者亚里克斯·波尔·金博表示。
“The consistency factor comes into play now,” he said. “我们将在比赛中接受艰巨的考验,”他说。
“The contributions to the debate about earthquake prediction research in Nature so far, clearly show that we have hardly scratched the surface of the problem of how earthquake ruptures initiate and how to predict them. “到目前为止,对《自然》杂志这次关于地震预测的辩论所投的稿,清楚起表明我们仅对地震破裂是怎样开始的,以及如何预测它们仅接触到问题的皮毛。
“The current managers are aware that a very high price was paid and that there are no pending issues with the sporting justice, and this has allowed them to plan the outfit's future serenely. “现在的管理层很清楚,球队为重建将会付出很大的代价,这将令他们能够安稳地进行计划。”

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