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Overreach a goal.

Overnight trading caused share prices to zoom (up). 一夜的交投使股票价格直线上升.
Overnutrition is associated with a sedentary lifestyle and the continuous availability of food in more affluent countries. 营养过剩则与久坐习惯及富裕国家中食物丰富有关。
Overpopulation is a universal problem. 人口过多是全球性的问题。
Overpopulation is in the way of the construction of modern country. 人口过剩是国家现代化 建设的绊脚石.
Overpower has been deemed overpowered, and will now be called Underpower, will damage you instead of your target, and will automatically be used upon your target dodging. 压制被认为过于强大,现在被修正为“被压制”,会对你自己而不是你的目标造成伤害,并且在你的目标躲闪后会自动使用。
Overreach a goal. 做得过头而没实现目标
Override this member function to perform the OK button action. 重载这个成员函数来实现OK按钮操作。
Overrides the behavior of an object property that can be called as a function. 覆盖对象参数行为被称为一个函数。
Overrule a policy decision. 否决了一政策决议
Overrun by the Mongols in the thirteenth century, the Chinese threw off their oppressors in 1368 AD. 13世纪中国人被蒙古人蹂躏,1368年中国人推翻了蒙古政权的压迫。
Oversaw daily office functions. Set up, typed and generated variety of documents. Made arrangement for meetings, seminars, and special events. 监督每日办公室的各项职务。设立、打字,及制作各式文件。安排会议、研究会,及特别活动。

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