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Get a hustle on to stockpile these essential material.

Get a feel for paddling around on the surfboard and the balance of it. 然后在冲浪板上感受一下向各个方向的冲浪感和平衡感。
Get a finder about the same angle of view of the taking lens, or a little longer. 在选择辅助取景器时可以考虑与所用拍摄镜头相同视角或者较其略微广角的取景器。
Get a good night's rest, men, we join battle with the enemy at first light. 士兵们,晚上好好睡一觉,明天天一亮我们就要和敌人交战。
Get a good radar and keep it sweeping. 找一个好雷达,并让它持续运转吧。
Get a hot-water bottle,please.- 请拿一只热水瓶给我。
Get a hustle on to stockpile these essential material. 赶快把这些重要材料贮放起来。
Get a life. A real life, not a manic pursuit of the next promotion, the bigger paycheck, the larger house. 营造一种生活,真正的生活,而不要狂躁地追求一次又一次地晋升,更高的薪水和更大的房子。
Get a link from your local chamber of commerce. 从当地商业委员会找个链接。
Get a load of that old bloke with the funny hat! 你瞧那戴怪帽子的家伙!
Get a nap to a friend? 要在朋友身上下手吗?
Get a printout of your gel and determine the inserts' sizes by comparison with the markers. 取得你的胶体影像印出图,并与标记比较后定出插入基因的大小。

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