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Due to a song I seem to be infatuated with a person and feel curious about him,but I don't know this is a kind of infantility which a teacher shouldn't own.

Due to Track &Field occupied in West High on 3/13, Track &field meet will be postpone to 3/20. Registration ends today at noon. 由于西高中运动场3/13无法使用,校内运动会将延至3/20。报名仍于今日中午截止,尚未报名同学请尽快报名。
Due to a botched robbery attempt, a ruthless Romanian barbarian is somehow resurrected in modern day New York and begins wreaking havok on a small Manhattan art-house. 由于一次笨拙的偷盗,导致一个残忍的罗马尼亚野蛮人在现代的纽约复活,并开始在曼哈顿一家小型艺术馆内破坏发泄。
Due to a little short sight, sha has a habit of staring people with narrow her eyes. 因为有点近视,她有眯着眼睛看人的习惯。
Due to a material change in the international market and domestic supply and demand situation, based on the suggestion of the MOC (the Ministry of Commerce), the Committee of Customs of the State Council decided that the anti-dumping duty on the imported 鉴于目前国际市场行情及国内供求关系发生实质变化,依据商务部的建议,国务院关税税则委员会决定,自2004年9月10日起,对进口到中国大陆的原产于俄罗斯、韩国、乌克兰、哈萨克斯坦等四国和台湾地区的冷轧板卷中止征收反倾销税。
Due to a number of factors (e.g., geography, availability of natural resources, the impact of secular or religious leadership, technological innovation), communication patterns vary in individual cultures. 因为多种因素〈例如:地理、天然资源的可获性、领导者有无宗教信仰的影响、科技的创新〉,沟通的方式因文化之不同而异。
Due to a song I seem to be infatuated with a person and feel curious about him,but I don't know this is a kind of infantility which a teacher shouldn't own. 因为一首歌,我似乎开始迷恋上一个人,并且对他充满了好奇,可我知道这不是一个身为老师的人该有的幼稚!
Due to a sports injury, Michael was bed-ridden for two weeks. (由于运动伤害,麦可在床上躺了两星期。)
Due to acidification the agar surrounding the colonies may become yellow. 由于酸化反应,菌落的周围会变成黄色。
Due to adopting the design configuration of the hybrid enhanced expendable hollow carrier and the hybrid enhanced shaped charges, energy of the charges is adequately poured out on exploding. 双复射孔器有2种系列,一种是射孔弹前仓配未装火药的适用于高渗透油藏的复式射孔器;另一种是射孔弹前仓配装火药的适用于中低渗透油藏的双复式射孔器。
Due to all the reasons hereinbefore, corporation cannot avoid the risk of losing direct distributors, agencies and market, the impact of which will make customers' large investment go down the tubes. 由于以上种种问题,企业将不可避免失去直销商、分销商及产品市场的危险,因此所带来的严重亏损会使企业客户的巨大投资付之东流。
Due to an injury, the quarterback had to sit out the rest of the season. 因为受伤,该四分卫不参加此球季的其余场次。

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