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Expanding the COL7A mutation database: Novel and recurrent mutations and unusual genotype-Phenotype constellations in patients with dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa

Excluding interference of breeding conditions' distinctness, this trial compared the difference of gene' expressing in liver which closely correlated with Silkie's, normal plumed black-bone chicken's, SuQin9's and Abar acer broiler's unique traits. 本试验分别以日龄丝羽乌骨鸡(SK)、常羽乌骨鸡(NP)、苏禽蛋鸡(SQ)、爱拔益加肉鸡(AA)肝脏为研究材料,期望在排除饲养条件等环境因素对基因表达的影响下,比较初生蛋鸡、肉鸡和乌骨鸡基因表达上的差异。
Existing Problems and Solution of Double Close ZD Electric Pointer 双杆锁闭ZD型电动转辙机存在的问题及解决办法
Existing problems and solved ways about method for the determination of chromium(Ⅵ) in leather gloves for export-spectrophotometry: SN 070-997 关于检测标准SN070-997存在问题的探讨及解决方法的研究
Exosome: Trojan Horse in Immunotherapy 胞外体——免疫治疗中的“特洛伊木马”
Expanding application of transistor curve-grapher 晶体管图示仪的扩展应用
Expanding the COL7A mutation database: Novel and recurrent mutations and unusual genotype-Phenotype constellations in patients with dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa 扩展COL7A突变数据库:例营养不良性大疱表皮松解症患者中新发和再发突变及少见的基因型-表型相互影响因素
Expense deduction is an important part of Individual Income Tax, it has direct influence on the amount of taxable income. 费用扣除是个人所得税税制的重要组成部分,它直接影响着应纳税所得额的大小。
Experience in Quality Improvement of Hallow Slab Appearance 提高空心板外观质量的方法
Experience in surgical treatment of luxatio coxae congenital in to years old children 岁儿童先天性髋脱位的手术治疗体会
Experience of applying bezoar crystal in clinical treatment of warts 牛黄晶治疗扁平疣临床经验
Experience of cognitive-behavior Therapy in Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa 神经性厌食症及神经性贪食症的认知行为治疗分析

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