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According to the simulation result, the characteristics of tooth profile such as undercut and convexity of pitch curve of the machined gears could be analyzed and judged, so that a sort of Intuitive judgment method was provided for designing and manufactu

According to the seismic convolution model, a kind of matched filters in time-scale domain is designed for echo signal detection of Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) and implemented in this paper, which is applied to detect the location and amplitude of sing 摘要根据地震褶积模型,设计并实现了应用于探地雷达回波信号检测的时间尺度域匹配滤波器,利用小波变换的时间定位性和尺度伸缩性,检测出雷达接收信号中单个反射子波的位置与强弱信息,利用已知的雷达发射子波模型还原回波信号,达到了滤除噪声、最佳接收的目的。
According to the serious paraffin deposit in Daqing Oil Field and the surface technique gathering and transferring flow used in the oil field, a kind of paraffin remover and inhibitor is studied to substitute the well-flushing technique in the peripheral 针对大庆油田结蜡严重的问题,根据油田采用的地面工艺集输流程,研究出能够在外围油田代替热水洗井工艺的油井清防蜡剂。
According to the shortages of Long-distance Meter Reading System, the scheme of Long-distance Meter Reading System in intelligent residential area was proposed and the key technique of communication machine realization was also presented. 摘要针对当前远程抄表系统的不足,提出了面向智能小区的远程抄表系统的设计方案,并给出了通讯机端实现过程中的关键技术。
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According to the simulation accuracy, the probability and statistics theories are used to develop a calculation formula to calculate simulation times of reliability by Monte-Carlo simulation method. 摘要从模拟精度入手,利用概率论和数理统计的方法,建立了以蒙特卡罗仿真法计算可靠度模拟次数的计算式。
According to the simulation result, the characteristics of tooth profile such as undercut and convexity of pitch curve of the machined gears could be analyzed and judged, so that a sort of Intuitive judgment method was provided for designing and manufactu 根据仿真图形结果可以分析和判断所加工的非圆齿轮的齿形特征,从而为设计和制造节曲线封闭型外啮合非圆齿轮提供了一种直观的判断方法。
According to the situation and problems of water resources management in Tarim river basin, this research presents the management model and countermeasures which emphasize the sustainable utilization of water resources from the view of eco-economy, and th 本文结合对塔里木河流域水资源管理现状存在问题的分析,从生态经济的角度,提出了以注重水资源可持续利用为主要内容的管理模式和策略,最大限度地发挥流域水资源经济、社会与生态环境的综合效益。
According to the situation of different regions, project organization, financing collection, financing management, project contract and land property adjustment models are discussed detailedly in this paper. 本文根据各地区的现实状况,从项目组织模式、资金筹集模式、资金管理模式、工程承包模式及权属调整模式角度进行了详细的探讨。
According to the situation of increasing per hospitalization cost, slow release of medical needs and increasing medical insurance pooling funds in 13 cities of Jiangxu province, This paper formulates a forecasting mode for the balance of the medical insur 本文根据江苏省13个省辖市次均住院费用的增长、医疗需求潜在的释放和医疗保险统筹基金增长趋势建立医疗保险收支平衡预测模式,并提出了控制医保费用的政策建议。
According to the situation of our country, the system framework of AR based planar pattern is proposed, and the relational 3D registration algorithm is explored. 首先根据我国国情,以平面标识块为核心提出了增强现实构建模式,并对涉及到的三维注册算法进行了推演。
According to the situation that the map cracking appears in some fill section in the first stage construction of the connecting line of bay bridge in Zhanjiang City,this paper makes the experimental analysis on it and advances some corresponding measures. 根据湛江海湾大桥连接线一期工程某些填方路段出现龟裂的情况,进行了试验分析并提出了相应措施。

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