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So it is until this day when he halts at Nob. He swings his hand over the mountain of the daughter of Zion, Over the hill of Jerusalem.

So it is proposed in the paper a dynamic equivalence method based on coherent generators identification for system reducing. 因而采用基于相关发电机识别的动态等值法对电力系统进行化简以克服上述问题。
So it is somewhat embarrassing that as the European Union's Commissioner for Trade, he has presided over the imposition of punitive duties on a wave of Asian imports. 去年,在与中国政府就非成衣纺织品达成一项带有贸易保护主义色彩的协议后,他也意识到自己在那场“胸罩战争”中吃了败仗。
So it is the policy of the United States to seek and support the growth of democratic movements and institutions in every nation and culture, with the ultimate goal of ending tyranny in our world. 因此,美国的政策是:在每一个国家,每一种文化中寻找民主运动和民主组织,并支持它们的成长,其最终目的是结束我们世界中的暴政。
So it is the policy of the United States to seek and support the growth of ocratic movements and institutions in every nation and culture, with the ultimate goal of ending tyranny in our world. 因此,美国的政策是:在每一个国家,每一种文化中寻找民主运动和民主组织,并支持它们的成长,其最终目的是结束我们世界中的**。
So it is understandable when only 0.6 percent of women chose power, the lowest among all options, the survey showed. 由此看来,“权力”在所有选项中得票最低——仅有约0.6%的女性选择,也是可以理解的。
So it is until this day when he halts at Nob. He swings his hand over the mountain of the daughter of Zion, Over the hill of Jerusalem. 32直到今日仍是如此;亚述在挪伯停留,向锡安女子的山,就是耶路撒冷的冈陵,抡手攻击。
So it is useful to the development of modern pharmacology of TCM by studying the two types of formularies. 我们可从对这两类方书特点的探讨得到有益于现代方剂学发展的启示。
So it is very clearly that we are supposed to inspect those cultural elements affecting it's breeding and discover cultural factors required by the modem social developments and entrust with power for modem survival and development, and finally takes the 审视影响其孕育的文化因素,以找到与现代社会发展所需的文化因子,赋与其现代生存与发展的动力,并采取科学对策。
So it is very helpful to dry and aging skin. 可减少脸上长青春痘所留下的痕迹。
So it is well-known in Hangzhou, especially in west part of that city. 在杭州特别是城西一带具有较高的知名度。
So it is with Russia as a whole. 因此该市(经济上)与整个俄罗斯是融为一体/不容分割的。

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