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This included the apparently misleading claim that “after consultation with the then general counsel, the ethics committee of the board approved an external assignment agreement which was reached with the staff member.

This incident occured at midnight. 这场事故发生在午夜.
This incident set me thinking. 这事令我深思。
This incident started a global protest and anti-Soviet tide that Stalin was forced to send a delegation of Jews in Soviet to mend its relationship with other allies to subside the effects of the incident. 这一事件在国际舆论界激起了强烈的抗议和反苏浪潮,为了平息事端,斯大林不得不派苏联犹太人代表团出使盟国,以修旧好。
This inclination suggests how deeply rooted the orienting response is. 这种倾向显示了人类的导向反应是多麽根深柢固。
This include water depth and plant age, others include the amount of time the plant is underwater and the rate of the nitrogen fertilizer used on the crop. 包括水深和植物的年龄,其他包括植物在水中的时间和农作物使用的氮肥率。
This included the apparently misleading claim that “after consultation with the then general counsel, the ethics committee of the board approved an external assignment agreement which was reached with the staff member. 这份明显包含误导的声明在咨询首席律师后,董事会道德委员会批准了与员工达成的外派协议.
This included the apparently misleading claim that “after consultation with the then general counsel, the ethics committee of the board approved an external assignment agreement which was reached with the staff member”. 这一声明中包括了显然具有误导意味的语句:“在咨询了当时的总法律顾问后,世行理事会下属的道德委员会批准了一份与员工达成的外派协议。”
This includes denial of serviceattacks, in which the attackers pummel the machine with so many requests that it is rendered effectively useless. 其中包括“服务禁止”攻击,在这类攻击中,攻击者可以通过向服务器递交很多的无价值信息的请求来进行攻击。
This includes Client Server and Database testing for both internal and external components. 还包括内部与外部组件的客户-服务端与数据库测试。
This includes a laser rangefinder coupled to a ballistic computer linked to the sights to ensure that the user aims the weapon accurately. 这包括一个与视线关联确保用户将武器正确瞄准目标并跟弹道计算机配对的激光测距仪。
This includes any regulatory requirements such as labeling and involves updating of the information. 这包括法规要求,如标识及信息的更新。

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