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As a well pours out its water, so she pours out her wickedness. Violence and destruction resound in her; her sickness and wounds are ever before me.

As a way to administer some nasty disinflationary medicine the doctrine worked. 即以一种教条的工作方式去运用那些令人厌恶的制止通货膨胀的工具。
As a way to raise funds to build a pedestal for Lady Liberty, for a small donation visitors could climb a staircase inside the statue and get a bird's-eye view of the festivities. 为了筹集资金建造底座,参观者只要捐献很小的钱就可以登上神像的楼梯间鸟瞰庆典的盛况。
As a way to say thanks to his fans, he had an autograph session in Taipei. 实际上,这张专辑还没正式问世,预计7月13号才正式上架与歌迷朋友们见面。
As a weather observer, his job was to plot synoptic maps and launch wind balloons into the deep blue North African sky. 作为一名天气观察员,他的工作就是绘制天气图以及投放风气球到北美的深蓝色天空中。
As a web designer, you should be aware of the fact that your visitors are able to change their default color preferences. 作为一个网页设计师来说,你应该注意到访问者能够改变默认颜色参数的情况。
As a well pours out its water, so she pours out her wickedness. Violence and destruction resound in her; her sickness and wounds are ever before me. 7井怎样涌出水来,这城也照样涌出恶来。在其间常听见有强暴毁灭的事,病患损伤也常在我面前。
As a well-established and well-equipped logistic provider ,we own our self-finaced warehouses in china's major cities including Beijing Guangzhou ,dongguan Shenzhen shanghai and etc.which cover a total space of 10,000 square meters.in addition ,we have a 本司在中国各主要大城市,如北京,广州,东莞,深圳及上海等地自设仓库,总面积超过10,000平方米,自备车辆及协作车辆180多部,是经国家各有关部门审批,颇具规模,设备齐全的物流公司.
As a well-received fact, entropy, the measurement of the disorder degree of a system, can indirectly be measured by thermodynamics. 摘要从正则系综与巨正则系综的统计规律出发推导出了熵与宏观状态参量之间的关联。
As a westerner I was a strange sight in this remote village. 作为一个西方人,我成了这个偏远小村的一道奇特风景。表示距离的远近。
As a whole , Mr. Wang is a good person. (整体来说,王先生是位好人。)
As a whole our efforts did not prove to be futile . 总体说来,我们的努力没有白费。

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