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Isis gathers up 12 of the pieces, creating a new phallus from clay, and brings Osiris back to life in the child Horus.

Ishmael Reed, however, sees this mixing of customs as neither new nor a threat. 伊什梅尔·里德却认为,这种不同习俗的糅合既不是新事物,也不是什么威胁。
Ishmael was Abraham's son by using Hagar as the Surrogate mother. 以实玛利是从夏甲给亚伯拉罕生的儿子。
Ishtari: A Pandoran Mockery of the Tammuz Lineage. 源于塔穆兹的尸祸伪系。
Ishvara, the Gurudeva, being unlimited by time conditions, is the teacher of the primeval Lords. 至性灵明在无穷的时间范畴内因不受限制而称为原始之师。
Isildur's Bane is found. 伊西尔德的灾星找到了。
Isis gathers up 12 of the pieces, creating a new phallus from clay, and brings Osiris back to life in the child Horus. 伊希斯收集了12块碎片,从粘土中创造了新的阴茎,把欧西里斯的生命带回到孩子荷露斯里面。
Isis is a metaphor for the feminine aspect in all of us. 伊希斯是我们所有人里面的女性外貌的隐喻。
Isis is the Queen of all regeneration. 伊希丝是所有再生的王后。
Isis is the primary feminine archetype, or energy representative of nature's divine fertility. 伊希斯是主要的女性原形,或者是代表丰产之神的能量。
Isla Fisher looked at home on the red carpet in her navy halter neck dress set off with a silver clutch. 红地毯上的伊拉·菲舍尔因为一身海军蓝吊带礼服和银色手袋看起来就像在家中一样随意。
Islam also takes this position, which is stated explicitly in the Quran (3:47). 伊斯兰也采用这个立场,在古兰经明确地表明(3:47)。

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