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Article 196 The branch of a foreign company established within the territory of China does not have the status of a juridical person.

Article 192 Any security company that causes losses to a client for breach of the entrustment of the client in buying and selling of securities, in handling trading matters and in handling other matters other than trading contrary to the indication of the 第一百九十二条证券公司违背客户的委托买卖证券、办理交易事项,以及其他违背客户真实意思表示,办理交易以外的其他事项,给客户造成损失的,依法承担赔偿责任,并处以一万元以上十万元以下的罚款。
Article 192 The People's Court which originally tried a case shall form a new collegial panel for the case remanded to it for retrial, in accordance with the procedure of first instance. 第一百九十二条原审人民法院对于发回重新审判的案件,应当另行组成合议庭,依照第一审程序进行审判。
Article 193 A foreign company, which plans to establish any branch within the territory of China, shall submit an application with the competent authority of China, and shall submit relevant documents such as the articles of incorporation, the company reg 第一百九十三条外国公司在中国境内设立分支机构,必须向中国主管机关提出申请,并提交其公司章程、所属国的公司登记证书等有关文件,经批准后,向公司登记机关依法办理登记,领取营业执照。
Article 193 After a People's Court of second instance has reviewed an appeal or protest against an order of first instance, it shall order rejection of the appeal or protest or rescind or revise the original order respectively with reference to the provis 第一百九十三条第二审人民法院对不服第一审裁定的上诉或者抗诉,经过审查后,应当参照本法第一百八十九条、第一百九十一条和第一百九十二条的规定,分别情形用裁定驳回上诉、抗诉,或者撤销、变更原裁定。
Article 194 Any security company handling brokerage business that accepts carte blanches of a client in buying and selling securities, or makes a commitment to the client on the returns on the buying and selling of securities or compensation for the losse 第一百九十四条证券公司经办经纪业务,接受客户的全权委托买卖证券的,或者对客户买卖证券的收益或者赔偿证券买卖的损失作出承诺的,责令改正,处以五万元以上二十万元以下的罚款。
Article 196 The branch of a foreign company established within the territory of China does not have the status of a juridical person. 第一百九十六条外国公司在中国境内设立的分支机构不具有中国法人资格。
Article 196 The interpretation of these Articles of Association is vested with the board of directors of the Company. 第一百九十六条本章程由公司董事会负责解释。
Article 197 Any security company that manages unlisted securities trading without approval in violation of the provisions of this Law shall be ordered to make a rectification, confiscated of the illegal income and concurrently imposed a fine of more than 第一百九十七条证券公司违反本法规定,未经批准经营非上市挂牌证券的交易的,责令改正,没收违法所得,并处以违法所得一倍以上五倍以下的罚款。
Article 198 The public security organs, People's Procuratorates and People's Courts shall have the property, things of value of the criminal suspects and defendants, as well as the fruits accruing therefrom, that they have seized or frozen well kept for e 第一百九十八条公安机关、人民检察院和人民法院对于扣押、冻结犯罪嫌疑人、被告人的财物及其孳息,应当妥善保管,以供核查。
Article 198 Where a foreign company relinquishes any of its branches within the territory of China, it shall clear off the debts thereof according to law, and shall carry out a liquidation in accordance with the provisions of this Law on the procedures fo 第一百九十八条外国公司撤销其在中国境内的分支机构时,必须依法清偿债务,依照本法有关公司清算程序的规定进行清算。
Article 199 Where an airman neglects his duty or violates the rules and regulations, thereby creating a serious flight accident resulting in grave consequences, his criminal responsibility shall be investigated in accordance with the provisions of Article 第一百九十九条航空人员玩忽职守,或者违反规章制度,导致发生重大飞行事故,造成严重后果的,分别依照、比照刑法第一百八十七条或者第一百一十四条的规定追究刑事责任。

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