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Adopting hydraulic pressure and pneumatic components manufactured by Taiwan manufacturer,this machine owns reliable and steady performance.

Adopting high precision lead screw and guide rail to ensure accurate positioning, it has advantages of faster speed, easy operation, stable performance, favorite price and wide application. 采用高精度丝杆及导轨,保证精确定位,加速度快,使用简便,性能稳定,价格经济,应用广泛。
Adopting high slip motor and increasing the rotary inertia of the rotating parts is an effective approach to achieving good power-saving effect of beam pumping units. 采用高转差率电动机,并增加旋转件的转动惯量,是综合提高游梁式抽油机节能效果的有效途径。
Adopting high speed digital signal technique of collection and processing to get indexes which can show the unevenness, such as CV, uneven curves, spectrogram, etc. 采用高速数字信号采集处理技术,能得到CV值,不匀曲线,波谱图等反映纱条不匀信息的有用指标,人机界面友好,操作简单方便。
Adopting high-speed electric machinery for transmission, feed roller is synchronous with doffer transmission through computer control. Stepless speed changing is realized. 给棉罗拉采用高速电机传动,实现无级变速,通过计算机控制与道夫传动同步。
Adopting high-strength and high-modulus alkali-free glass fiber,it is knitted into loom。 采用高强高模量无碱玻璃纤维,经过经编定向织造网格坯布,通过改性沥青涂覆加工成玻璃纤维格栅。
Adopting hydraulic pressure and pneumatic components manufactured by Taiwan manufacturer,this machine owns reliable and steady performance. 本机液压、气动元件采用台湾厂家产品,性能可靠稳定。
Adopting imported improver,and with ultraviolet-radiation-proofAbsorbent,plastic doors and windows remain the same color and unbrickled without aging under burming sun,heavy rain,dryness and wetness from 30 to 70. 采用进口改性剂,原料中添加防紫外线吸收剂,在-30-70度之间烈日、暴雨、干燥、潮湿之变化中不变色、不老化、不脆化。
Adopting international advanced cable-guiding system, and with its main parts produced by machining center and numerically controlled machines, Shenxi hoist has the characteristics of superior-quality, excellent appearance, low noise and long life. 由于采用了国际上较为先进的爬绳机构,并且主要部件在加工中心和数控机床上完成,申锡提升机具有外形美观、品质一流、噪音低和寿命长等优点。
Adopting latest design idea and advanced technology, this series engines have good economic performance targets, compact structure, high power, easy operation and maintenance and perfect reliability, which keep series and common-use components of series 1 设计中吸收了国内外先进的设计思想,采用了先进的技术,其主要特点是经济性能指标先进,体积小,结构紧凑,功率大,操作维修简单,动力性及可靠性好,最大限度地保持了与190系列柴油机的系列化、通用化,在目前国内同类柴油机中居领先水平。
Adopting method of graphical modeling and with help of object-oriented design thought, a set of graphical modeling softwares has been developed by using C#.NET programming tool, the influence of fluid network's height difference upon the pressure-flow rat 摘要采用图形化建模方法,借助面向对象的设计思想,使用C#.NET编程工具开发了流体网络图形建模软件,该软件对压力流量通道考虑了流体网络高度差的影响,并增加了洽温通道,从而对流体网络做了进一步完善和扩展。
Adopting methods of qualitative analysis and the practice of sectional land classification based on the small-towns in WuJin District, this paper probes into the problem of how to make better use of the urban land classification based on county to adjust 通过采用定性分析和基于武进区城镇土地分等定级估价实践的研究方法,对区级城镇土地分等成果的运用进行探讨提出了运用城镇土地分等成果首先可对土地交易市场不发达的城镇进行基准地价评估和镇区间基准地价的平衡;其次对土地利用配置和空间优化决策以及国有土地资产评估等具有很大的借鉴意义。

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