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All-Star starter Kenny Rogers came out of the bullpen for his first regularseason relief appearance in three years, but he gave up the go-ahead runs.

All's fish that comes to his net. 凡是到手的他都要。;来者不拒。
All's grist that comes to the mill. 到磨子里的一切都成粉;来者不拒,全盘照收。
All's well that ends well. 结局好,一切都好。吉人自有天相。
All, equally, are in peril, and, if the peril is understood, there is hope that they may collectively avert it. 所有的人,不分彼此,都处在危险之中;如果大家都看到了这种危险,那么就有希望联合起来避开它。
All-Around Vision (Ex): Beholders are exceptionally alert and circumspect. 全域视野(特异):眼魔异常警惕和谨慎。
All-Star starter Kenny Rogers came out of the bullpen for his first regularseason relief appearance in three years, but he gave up the go-ahead runs. 明星投手KennyRogers最近三年内第一次在球季赛被叫去牛棚热身,但是他丢掉了对方的致胜分。
All-in-one and compact design. Motor, gear reducer and all the necessary functions for excavator and mini-excavator are integrated. 挖掘机、小型挖掘机采用了将减速机和各种功能(阀、制动器等)合为一体化的紧凑设计。
All-in-one complex tip design (70W heater, sensor tip) has strong heat recovery for leadfree soldering. 一体化复合咀设计(70W发热芯,感温焊咀)有强大回热功能,适用于无铅焊接.
All-or-Nothing Assignment does not require any settings. 全有全无分配法不需要任何的设置。
All-out efforts must be made to develop a recycling economy with a view to exploring an approach to economized development in the Chinese context. 大力发展循环经济,走出一条具有中国特色的节约型发展道路。
All-pervasive termites have vast destroy on house and buildings.A lot of the high buildings and large mansions and the solid dam and dyke ruin fuom termite infestation. 无孔不入的白蚊对建筑物的破坏极大,有多少高楼大厦,万丈大堤毁于一旦就是它们的杰作。

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