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“We have shot down 2 Apache helicopters.

“We have always said that our main objective is fourth place and that is still true, although we are obviously glad to be on top,” he continued. “我们总是说,主要目标是前四名,现在这一目标仍然适用,尽管显而易见,排名榜首让我们非常高兴。”
“We have come off of back-to-back titles and we have established ourselves as a top team. “我们连续两个赛季夺得联赛冠军,同时证明了自己是一支一流的球队。
“We have evolved to the stage where we are back-to-back champions and we should not underestimate what an achievement that is, particularly in a domestic league like the English Premiership. “我们已经取得了那么棒的成绩,我们蝉联了联赛冠军(背靠背冠军),我们不该轻视我们取得的成绩,尤其是在英超这样艰难的联赛里。
“We have looked to gain performance by increasing the peak revs, and improving areas like cylinder filling and combustion,” explained Denis Chevrier, Renault's head of trackside engine operations. “In qualifying trim, we expect a gain of several tenths of “我们看上去已经通过增加最大转数取得了成绩,并改善了像汽缸填塞和燃烧这样的区域”雷诺赛道引擎运作负责人丹尼斯-谢维瑞尔解释说,“在排位赛中,我们期待能获得零点几秒的时间,大奖赛前的最后测试会允许我们最终决定可以在正式比赛中有多少的附加表现。”
“We have no choice but to develop our education, or we'll fall behind. 正如总统所说,“我们别无选择,只有发展教育,否则就会落后”。
“We have shot down 2 Apache helicopters. “我们已经击落2架阿帕奇直升飞机。
“We have talked a lot to David and we have come to an agreement which satisfies both parties,” said director general Jean-Claude Blanc. 总经理布兰科说:我们和大卫谈了很多,最后达成了让双方都满意的协议.
“We have three children. I work in the bursar's office at Columbia. “我们有三个孩子。我在哥伦比亚大学财务处上班。”
“We have to muster all our resolve and resources in order to fight Sars.Then we can bring the outbreak under control,restore confidenceand get the economy moving. 新加坡副总理说,“为了同非典做斗争,我们现在众志成城并集中所有的人财物力。这样我们才可以控制这种疾病的大爆发、恢复信心并使经济复苏。”
“We have to remove both your legs. “我们不得不截掉你的两条腿。”
“We have to sharpen our edge to succeed”. To have the success tasted, you should persistently endeavor to chase your goal. “工欲善其事,必先利其器”。想要尝到成功的滋味,就必须要不懈地努力。

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