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The content of triptolide in Lei Gong Teng tablets was determined using liquid-solid extraction-HPLC. This method is sensitive、accurate and reproducible,its recovery is 98 8%.

The content of soybean isoflavones aglycon was significantly increased. 论 豆浆中的大豆异黄酮糖甙在双歧杆菌的 β葡萄糖苷酶作用下水解为异黄酮甙元 ,异常酮甙元的浓度显著增加。
The content of the neutral aroma components in the upper leaves(BF) was the highest,followed by cutters(C F)and the lugs(XF). 两地烟叶部位间上部叶(BF)中性致香物质含量最高,中部叶(C F)次之,下部叶(XF)最低。
The content of the sialic acid in secretory endometrium was much lower than in the proliferous(P< 0.0) . 果表明:分泌期的GLs总含量低于增生期(P<0.0);
The content of thiamin of Ficus vasculosa reaches 9.8 mg ·kg~(-) in dry weight. 突脉榕嫩枝叶中VB含量达9.8mg. kg-(干重)。
The content of this thesis was supplying with the key problem of Science and Technology to tackle of The th : Research and demonstrate of constructive technique on the important type of water resources protection in the headwater of citied (00BA0B0-0). 本文所论述的内容是在国家“十五”科技(攻关)计划课题:“都市重要水源区水源涵养型植被建设技术研究与示范”(00BA080-0)的资助下完成的。
The content of triptolide in Lei Gong Teng tablets was determined using liquid-solid extraction-HPLC. This method is sensitive、accurate and reproducible,its recovery is 98 8%. 采用液固萃取—高效液相色谱法测定雷公藤片中雷公藤内酯醇的含量,方法灵敏、准确,重现性好,回收率为98.8%。
The content of α-amanitin,β-amanitin and phalloidin in the fruit bodies of 7 species of Amanita from the Changbai Mountains in northeastern China was analyzed by means of high performance liquid chromatography. 利用HPLC法对长白山地区分布的7种鹅膏属真菌成熟子实体中的α鹅膏毒肽(αamanitin)、β鹅膏毒肽(βamanitin)和鬼笔毒肽(phalloidin)的含量进行了测定。
The contents of chlorophlly in trisome were the highest, the diploid was the lowest, but for the chlorophlly a/b, the diploid was the highest. 叶绿素含量则为三体>单体>双体,但是叶绿素a/b比值则为双体最大。
The contents of cyanin,sugar and starch reduced with the intensity lowering. 叶片中花色素苷、糖以及淀粉含量随着光照强度降低而减少。
The contents of eras si inking agent DVB were evaluated by using CP/MAS spectra. 从CP/MAS谱计算了样品中交联剂DVB的含量。
The contents of herion, -acetylmorphine and codeine in the prepared 88 samples ranged in .%-79.%, 0.%-8.%, 0. %-9.% respectively by GC-MS. 采用GC-MS分析了缴获88份白粉中这 组分的质量百分含量范围分别为.%~79.%,0.%~8.%,0. %~9.%。

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