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To investigate the effect of dialysis with balancing amino acid dialysate on serum free amino acid in chronic hemodialysis patients, twenty-nine chronic hemodialysis patients were enrolled in this cross-over study.

To investigate substrates for phosphorus removal potential for constructed wetland, many different substrates have been reviewed. 摘要综述了不同基质对于人工湿地净化磷素的潜能的研究结果。
To investigate the aerodynamic design ideas and concrete methods of high performance Low Pressure Turbine (LPT) at low Reynolds number condition, a new LPT of high load, large chord and proper velocity distribution was designed. 摘要为了探索高空低雷诺数情况下高性能低压涡轮部件的气动设计思路和设计方法,通过采用高负荷、大弦长的叶片设计和选择恰当的叶片表面速度分布形式设计了一台新低压涡轮。
To investigate the aetiologies and characteristics of valve disorders and effects on cardiac structure and function in patients with chronic renal failure (CRF) on maintenance hemodialysis. 目的:探讨慢性肾功能衰竭维持性血液透析患者心脏瓣膜病变的性质、病因及对心脏结构和功能的影响。
To investigate the association between mental or neuro-motor outcomes and the earl conditions, 80 psychomotor retarded children who were non-Down's syndrome and without neurological impairment were included in this study. 摘要鑑于儿童发展之变异性较高,早期无神经异常癥状之身心发展迟缓儿童,长大后可能成为智能不足儿童、脑性麻痹儿童或正常儿童,但影响他们的预后之早期各项因素并不十分清楚。
To investigate the development of a village, is the basic of reflecting various heterogeneous cultures And probing into the origin and the development of surnames in the country is the point into the study of the clan and the shape of the modem villages. 摘要探讨一个村落的形成发展是反映多样的异质性文化的基础,而追溯村落中的姓氏源流及其发展变迁乃是研究族群问题和现代村落形成的切入点。
To investigate the effect of dialysis with balancing amino acid dialysate on serum free amino acid in chronic hemodialysis patients, twenty-nine chronic hemodialysis patients were enrolled in this cross-over study. 摘要目的:研究一种平衡型氨基酸透析液,探讨其对维持性血透患者血游离氨基酸含量的影响。
To investigate the embedment features of the shallow underground water ,and to evaluate its corrosion to the concrete. 调查场地浅部地下水埋藏条件,并评价其对混凝土的腐蚀性。
To investigate the influence of porosity of holes array on cooling effectiveness of an effusion cooled plat plate, a numerical study of the distributions of cooling effectiveness on the hot side of an effusion cooled flat plate was carried out with four d 摘要为了获得气膜孔阵排列的疏密度对致密多孔壁冷却效果的影响规律,分别对四种疏密度排列下的平板热侧面上的冷却效果进行了数值模拟研究。
To investigate the influence of transmission attenuation of seismic waves in a layer-cake model, the authors formulated a seismic convolution model by considering the coefficient of transmission attenuation, and then provided a new forward algorithm for t 摘要研究了地震波在层状地质模型内透射衰减对地震反射信号振幅的影响,给出了含透射衰减的褶积模型,为基于模型的波阻抗反演提供了一种新的正演方法。
To investigate the life stress of married working women, the effects of this stress on women's physical and mental health, and the intervening effect of ego state between stress and health, the present study surveys 212married working women by three quest 摘要爲了探讨已婚职业妇女在多重角色要求下的生活压力现况,并分析生活压力对身心健康所造成的影响,本研究针对212位已婚职业妇女进行问卷调查。
To investigate the practicability of a solar-direct-pumped fiber laser by using a parabolic dish concentrator, the solar power absorbed by the fiber laser and its absorption efficiency were calculated with numerical method based on the characteristics of 摘要为了研究抛物面碟形聚光器实现太阳能直接抽运光纤激光器,根据空间太阳光谱分布特点,采用数值方法,计算了用该聚光器聚集太阳能量抽运双包层光纤激光器时光纤吸收的太阳能量及其吸收效率。

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