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Series: used for pesticide emulsifier and other industrial surfactant.

Series of SMA products one application extensive small-scale coaxial person who join that whorl join, it has a reliable characteristic with long life-span that the width, performance are excellent, high frequently. SMA系列产品是一种应用广泛的小型螺纹连接的同轴连接器,它具有频带宽、性能优、高可靠、寿命长的特点。
Series of air-compressor manufactured in our company can be extensively used in many fields, such as mechanism, medical, textile, foodstuff, electricity, automobile, building materials and war industry, etc, about more than 50 countries and regions. 制造的系列空气压缩机广泛应用在机械、医疗、纺织、食品、电力、汽车、建材及军工等行业,并出口到欧美,东南亚等50多个国家和地区。
Series of mud solid control circulating system is a kind of new product which combines the advantage of the same type equipment and actual drilling requirements for various drilling rigs. 系列泥浆固控循环系统,是综合了国内外同类产品的优点,结合各类型钻机的钻井工艺的实际需要而设计制造的新产品。
Series of products of every style which our company produced, quality is guaranteed , the appearance is beautiful and refined, antique, becomes the good merchantable brand furnishing, presents the present at home. 本公司生产的各款系列产品,质量保证、外形美观典雅、古色古香、成为居家摆设、馈赠礼物之佳品。
Series refractory materials for casting is our impor-tant unshaped refractory materials.Its Physical chemical index and the properties are all up to the advanced standards in our coutry,It can take the plae of imported refractory goods, faeaturing for its 系列耐火浇注料是我公司重点不定型耐材品种,其各项理化指标及产品性能达到了国内先进水平,可取代进口材料,该系列产品施工性能优良,抗渣侵蚀,抗剥落及抗热震性能好,于各种加热炉,均热炉等。
Series: used for pesticide emulsifier and other industrial surfactant. 系列:用于农药乳化剂和其它工业用表面活性剂。
Series: when mixed and composed with anionic surfactant, they can be formulated with pesticide. 系列:与阴离子表面活性剂混配制成农药乳化剂。
Series: with good properties such as dispersing, wetting, penetrating and adhesive etc, can be widely used for producing surfactant in pesticide emulsifier, electroplating and other industries, civil industry. 系列:具有良好的分散、润湿、渗透、粘着等作用,是广泛用于农药乳化剂和电镀行业及其它工业、民用等方面的表面活性剂。
Series:Anionic surfactant , including aqueous calcium salt and anhydrous calcium salt , are the important components of pesticide emulsifiers. 系列:阴离子表面活性剂,包括有水钙盐和无水钙盐两类,是农药乳化剂的重要组成部分。
Serine An AMINO ACID synthesized from glycerate 3-phosphate. 丝氨酸:是由3-磷酸甘油酸为前体合成的一种氨基酸。
Serine is also a product of photorespiration and other metabolic reactions. 在光呼吸和其它代谢反应的产物中也有丝氨酸的存在。

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