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Instead of creating a narrative with one or more rigidly predefined endings, the designer can focus on the rules of the simulation, and let the story emerge spontaneously through the interaction of the player and the rule system during the course of game

Instead of collateral,there is peer pressure;i.e.,group members make sure that each person pays back his of her loan. 不再要求提供担保了,取而代之的是同伴的压力,即团体成员确保每个人偿还他或她的贷款.
Instead of congratulations the letter I got back contained just five words: “PUT THAT RING BACK ON! 我收到的回信中没有祝贺之辞,只写了六个大字:“把戒指戴回去!”
Instead of constructing a convex hull, we could construct a bounding box around the solid. 如果不建立凸壳,我们可以在物体附近建立一个范围框。
Instead of countries focusing on self-serving endeavors, they accept that they are all on this planet together, that our futures are interdependent and they are secure only if all people are secure. 取代了国家著重于自私服务的努力,他们接受了在这颗行星上他们是在一起的,我们的将来是相互倚赖的并且唯有所有的人安全时,他们才会安全。
Instead of cowboy coders we have software sheriffs; working together as a team, quick on the draw, armed with a few rules and practices that are light, concise, and effective. 我们接受软件行政长官而不要牛仔式的编码者;我们作为团队工作在一起,反应敏捷,仅仅用那些轻量级的、简练的和有效的规则和惯例把我们武装起来。
Instead of creating a narrative with one or more rigidly predefined endings, the designer can focus on the rules of the simulation, and let the story emerge spontaneously through the interaction of the player and the rule system during the course of game 与预先设立一个或多个结果不同,设计师可以专注于模拟法则的建立,透过游戏过程中法则系统与玩者之间的互动关系来让故事自然地发展。
Instead of damages, restoration in kind can be claimed by the injured party as far as it is possible and not too burdensome to the other party. 只要可能,并且不会给另一方增加当事人过多的负担,受害人有权不要求损害赔偿而要求恢复原状。
Instead of dandruff, you've got ice cream sprinkles! 那样你的头上就没有头皮屑了,而是有冰淇淋沫。
Instead of defining strict tables, records may contain an arbitrary number of attributes, with all attributes indexed for fast searching. 无需定义严格的数据表,记录可含有任意数量的属性,可为所有属性建立所应以提供高效搜索。
Instead of describing sounds we must make up words that imitate them; we must use many sizes of type and different colored inks on the same page, and shorten or lengthen words at will. 我们必须创造出新的词语来模拟声音,而不是描绘声音;在同一书页上,我们要使用不同的字体、不同的颜色,随意加长或缩短单词。
Instead of discussing their problems, they bottle up all their anger and resentment. 他们不是把问题提出来讨论, 而是把怒气和怨愤憋在肚子里.

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