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Abstract: The seriousness of the actuating medium pollution at hydraulic pressure system is introduced,the importance conducting analysis of pollution and the harmfulness of pollution are explained,and some measures to control the pollution are put forwar

Abstract: The selection of refractory brick, the key points in building, drying and baking of brick lining of gasifiers are introduced in thepaper. 文摘:论述了耐火砖的选择以及砌筑、干燥和烘炉过程中应注意的问题。
Abstract: The seminar on Powder Metallurgical Technology across the Taiwan Straits was held in the middle of july, 1999 in Shanghai. 文摘:海峡两岸粉末冶金技术研讨会于1999年7月中旬在上海举行。
Abstract: The sensation of wearing pressure have assessed for knit garments having different sizes and fabrics having the different extensibility,by developing a wearing experimental procedure.At the same time,the objective clothing pressure,the fabric's 文摘:设计了一组服装用于穿着实验.对不同尺寸、不同弹性性能的紧身长裤进行了主观压力感评价,并测量了服装压、衣料的拉伸变形程度和服装宽裕率.通过分析,选用服装宽裕率和织物的弹性模量作为指标预测服装的穿着压力感.
Abstract: The sequencing algorithms for arrival traffic of airpor t are discussed. 文摘:讨论了机场终端区飞机到达流的排序规划问题。
Abstract: The sequentially censored statistical testing Scheme of success ratio, of which the deducing process is based on probability ratio or likelihood ratio, is commonly used in reliability demonstration test. 摘要:成功率序贯截尾统计试验方案是可靠性验证试验中的一种常用方案,其理论推导过程基于“概率比”或“似然比”。
Abstract: The seriousness of the actuating medium pollution at hydraulic pressure system is introduced,the importance conducting analysis of pollution and the harmfulness of pollution are explained,and some measures to control the pollution are put forwar 文摘:介绍了液压系统工作介质污染的严重性,说明了进行污染分析的重要性和污染带来的危害,并列出控制污染的几种措施。
Abstract: The shaped technique of the electric arc tube' s shell with neck, which is used in the small power metal-halide lamp, is introduced in this paper. 摘要:超小功率高强度气体放电灯电弧管电极极间距误差要求小,二电极对中要求高,所以采用在电弧管泡壳两端加缩颈来定位电极。
Abstract: The shapes of non-circular punch and matrix are processed by transferring an arc into a polygon.The method for dies CAD system is introduced,which can generate the main view automatically based on the vertical view. 文摘:介绍了在冲模CAD系统中,采用圆弧多边形化的方法,对非圆凸模和凹模形状进行处理,提出了一种根据俯视图自动生成主视图的方法。
Abstract: The similarity is very important phenomenon which exists extensively. 文摘:相似是广泛存在而又十分重要的现象。
Abstract: The simplified one-dimensional mathematical model of spontaneous heating process is used to analyze the effect of the change and movement of water vapour in coal stock pile on the maximum temperature reached during the self-hearting of the coal 文摘:利用简化的自热过程一维数学模型,分析煤堆内水分变化及迁移对煤堆自热所能达到的最高温度的影响。
Abstract: The smelter off-gas cleaning process introduced by Boliden is described and its application scope is analyzed. 文摘:主要介绍了瑞典波立登公司自行开发的冶炼烟气制酸净化工序的新型设备及流程。

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