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Through introducing the reliability scope in symbolic statistics, the reasonable selection of value of K in certain confident interval on regression analysis was discussed on the basis of the testing data on site, and the reasonable scope for the estimati

Through interviewing the migrants from Nepal to Myanmar and Thailand, the author explores the interconnection between ethnic identity and migration. 摘要通过对缅甸、泰国的尼泊尔移民的田野调查,探讨了跨国人口流动中的族群认同问题。
Through introducing and analyzing the American credit risk with credit card guard against lawmaking, this text inquirying into it to our country the credit risk with credit card manage and guard against the apocalypse function. 通过介绍分析美国信用卡信用风险防范立法,探讨其对我国信用卡信用风险管理与防范所起的启示作用。
Through introducing currency into the model, a stochastic economic growth model mainly about monetary policy and fiscal policy was set up. 摘要将货币引入到模型中,建立了一个有关货币政策和财政政策的随机经济增长模型。
Through introducing the collapse conditions of Xitangwan tunnel and the measures for treating tunnel collapse without large hydraulic pressure equipments, the article states the importance of determining the rock class in lime rock areas, and gives us pra 摘要通过细塘湾隧道大塌方的情况介绍及没有大型液压设备的情况下的处理措施,指出对灰岩地区围岩级别确定的重要性,为通过复杂地质地段的隧道施工提供实践经验。
Through introducing the investment level between the CRM (customer relationship management) and the SCM (supply chain management), the e-business strategy, which includes balancing the status of both the CRM and the SCM, was analyzed under both monopoly a 通过简化客户关系管理和供应链管理对企业的经济影响,同时考虑企业对电子商务战略的投资水平,分析垄断企业的电子商务战略和2个竞争企业在不同成本结构的情况下电子商务战略的优化问题。
Through introducing the reliability scope in symbolic statistics, the reasonable selection of value of K in certain confident interval on regression analysis was discussed on the basis of the testing data on site, and the reasonable scope for the estimati 通过引入数理统计中可靠度的概念,对现场实测数据进行了回归分析,并讨论了公式中K值在一定置信区间下的选用,为爆破振动速度的估计提供了一个合理範围,克服了以往仅给出单一振动速度公式的不足。
Through introducing the world-leading beer manufacturing equipment of Germany Krones in the world, choice and high quality Australian barley and adopting the advanced low temperature filtration sterilization workmanship and a complete sterile filtration p 公司引进世界领先的德国克朗斯啤酒生产设备,精选优质的澳洲大麦,采用先进的低温滤菌工艺,全程无菌化灌装,其独特的酿酒工艺将美国蓝带风格与捷克比尔森风味完美的结合在一起,使得蓝带集团这一“名门之后”以一种傲人的姿态展现在国人面前。
Through inversion analyzing the results of inspection and observation which was applied The Multipoint Displacement Measures and The Drilling Anchor Stress Measures to the top surface in The Xianggui gypsummine eastern workings, this article will attempt 摘要为了研究湘桂石膏矿的岩体变形规律,对该矿东采区顶板岩孔多点位移计观测和钻孔锚杆应力计检测的结果进行综合反演分析,提出了水下矿区开挖后采场岩层的变形规律,为采取有效措施控制岩层移动提供了依据。
Through investigation and research of the operation system of railway locomotives, the essay puts forward the dynamic dispatching model of railway passenger locomotives. 摘要通过对铁路机车运用系统的调研,提出客运机车动态调度模式。
Through investigation of water clarifying mechanism of demulsifier during demulsifying period, using the theory of relationship between structure and performance of surfactant, combining with the composition character of crude oil, the molecular structure 通过探讨破乳剂在破乳过程中的清水机理,运用表面活性剂结构与性能关系理论,结合原油的组成特点,进行了破乳剂分子的结构设计与合成。
Through it all she remained aloof, watching from afar, seemingly miles away. 但自始至终,她都是孤零零地远远观望,仿佛是隔了一道几里长的障碍。

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