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Historically, Many plays referred to a poor young man who always had a dream to be in the money, and then, the dream came true and he tried his best to dangle after a beautiful woman.

Historically many landscape photographers have used large format cameras. 以往很多风光摄影师使用了大画幅相机。
Historically speaking , our ancestors placed great emphasis on filial piety . 历史上,我们的祖先很重视孝顺。
Historically the study of Zhouyi(The Book of Changes)is divided into two schools: image-number study and philosophical connotation study, forming two domains of Zhouyi study. 摘要《周易》研究,在历史上分象数、义理两大学派,因而形成《周易》研究的象数易和义理易两大领域,但由于不重视语言文字,造成了“狐不守丘,叶不归根”的局面。
Historically, Adelman's teams have been among the league's most prolific offenses, relying both on a full-court transition game as well as half-court sets. 翻翻历史就会发现,阿德尔曼带出来的队伍都是联盟极具火力的球队,既依赖全场攻防转换也要靠半场阵地进攻。
Historically, America had been in the vanguard of the global human-rights movement, Mr Annan noted; but that lead could be maintained only if America remained “true to its principles in the struggle against terror”. 安南指出,历史上,美国处于全球人权运动的先驱地位;但是,只有美国依然“忠实于其反恐斗争的原则”,其领导地位才能保持。
Historically, Many plays referred to a poor young man who always had a dream to be in the money, and then, the dream came true and he tried his best to dangle after a beautiful woman. 以前,许多剧本总是提到一个穷人总想一天暴富起来,并且他的梦想实现了,于是他尽力的追求一个美丽的女子。
Historically, South-East Asian literature in Chinese language emerged in the form of expatriate literature. 从历史的层面说,东南亚华文文学的初期阶段基本上是以“侨民文学”的形式发展起来。
Historically, a cornerstone of classical empiricism has been the notion that every true generalization must be confirmable by specific observations. 历史上,经典经验论立基于此一观念之上:每个真实的归纳命题必须能被个别观察所证实。
Historically, a high mortality rate had been reported due to difficulty in early diagnosis and localization of the bleeder. 在有突发性腹痛及内出血征候的病患,腹部卒中应列为鉴别诊断。
Historically, a stock exchange exists in a physical location. 过去的证券交易所是以实体形式存在的。
Historically, angular momentum is what clued in physicists to the quantum-gravitational implications of string theory. 历史上,角动量正是让物理学家注意到弦论中含有量子重力的关键。

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