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[bbe] And his sister took her place at a distance to see what would become of him.

[bbe] And he will be looking down on the earth, and there will be trouble and dark clouds, black night where there is no seeing. 仰观上天,俯察下地,不料,尽是艰难,黑暗,和幽暗的痛苦。他们必被赶入乌黑的黑暗中去。
[bbe] And he will take some of it in his hand, burning it on the altar as a sign, and then he will give the woman the bitter water. 叫他喝了以后、他若被玷污得罪了丈夫、这致咒诅的水必进入他里面变苦了、他的肚腹就要发胀、大腿就要消瘦、那妇人便要在他民中被人咒诅。
[bbe] And hearing these things they said nothing more, but gave glory to God, saying, Then to the Gentiles as to us has God given a change of heart, so that they may have life. 那些因司提反的事遭患难四散的门徒、直走到腓尼基、和居比路、并安提阿.他们不向别人讲道、只向犹太人讲。
[bbe] And hearing this, they had baptism in the name of the Lord Jesus. 他们听见这话、就奉主耶稣的名受洗。
[bbe] And his base was at Ramah, where his house was; there he was judge of Israel and there he made an altar to the Lord. 随后回到拉玛、因为他的家在那里.也在那里审判以色列人、且为耶和华筑了一座坛。
[bbe] And his sister took her place at a distance to see what would become of him. 孩子的姐姐远远站著、要知道他究竟怎麽样。
[bbe] And honey and butter and sheep and milk-cheeses, for David and his people: for they said, This people is in the waste land, needing food and drink and rest. 蜂蜜、奶油、绵羊、奶饼、供给大卫和跟随他的人吃.他们说、民在旷野、必饥渴困乏了。
[bbe] And if I by Beelzebub send evil spirits out of men, by whom do your sons send them out? So let them be your judges. 我若靠著别西卜赶鬼、你们的子弟赶鬼、又靠著谁呢.这样、他们就要断定你们的是非。
[bbe] And if a man gives to the Lord part of the field which is his property, then let your value be in relation to the seed which is planted in it; a measure of barley grain will be valued at fifty shekels of silver. 人若将承受为业的几分地分别为圣、归给耶和华、你要按这地撒种多少估定价值、若撒大麦一贺梅珥、要估价五十舍客勒。
[bbe] And if a man has given his house as holy to the Lord, then the priest will put a value on it, if it is good or bad; as the priest gives decision so will the value be fixed. 人将房屋分别为圣、归给耶和华、祭司就要估定价值.房屋是好是坏、祭司怎样估定、就要以怎样为定。
[bbe] And if a man has sex relations with a man, the two of them have done a disgusting thing: let them be put to death; their blood will be on them. 人若与男人苟合、像与女人一样、他们二人行了可憎的事、总要把他们治死、罪要归到他们身上。

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