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Finding the world consumed by chaos, he found it a perfect opportunity to strike down the hated Night Elves.

Finding the right position, making the right choices, researching market demand, and providing society with operational, manageable and profitable commercial products that's needed to satisfy the development of an informational society, will be used to ju 找好定位,有所为、有所不为,研究市场需求,为社会提供可运营、可管理、可盈利的满足信息化发展需要的商业产品,是中国网通成功转型的价值体现。
Finding the right way to put dictators and war criminals on trial is never easy. 找到合适的方式,将独裁者和战争贩子绳之以法绝非易事。
Finding the right wedding outfit is no piece of cake. But this Dalmatian manages to spot a veil which works for her. 为狗狗新娘找到一条合适的婚纱并非一件容易的事,但这位新娘子为了享受美食,也不惜弄脏婚纱。
Finding the sweater you want is on sale for half price. 发现你想要的毛衣正半价出售。
Finding the sweater you want is on sale for half prise. 发现你想要的毛衣正半价出售。
Finding the world consumed by chaos, he found it a perfect opportunity to strike down the hated Night Elves. 他发现这个世界被混沌力量所破坏,认为现在正是击倒夜精灵族的完美时机。
Finding them dispirited, he invigorates them as well as himself through self-imposed torture and other rituals. 为了帮苏族重新建立家园,摩根脱下文明人的衣服,再次加入他们之中成为苏族战士,再振军容发动圣战。
Finding these problems at final assembly costs less than performing a functional test on each board. 在最后的装配过程中发现这些问题要比对每一块板进行功能测试所花费的费用少。
Finding unmet customer needs, shaping products and services to meet those needs, making it all into a business -- that's the hard part. 找到用户的需求并迅速生产产品和提供服务,转化成商业商品,这才是最重要的。
Finding your bug is a process of confirming the many things you believe are true, until you find one which is not true. 除错这件事是一连串确认你已经信已为真的事务的过程。在这过程中,找出一个不是正确地方。
Finding your first job can be both a rewarding and frustrating experience. 找第一份工作的经历可能既有价值,又令人沮丧。

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