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A cold weather spell stunted most lettuce growth in western states.

A cold is a widespread disease. 感冒是普遍的疾病。
A cold is both positive and negative; sometimes the Eyes have it and sometimes the Nose. 感冒既是肯定又是否定:有时得之眼[得了感冒的占多数,这是“流感”],有时则得之于鼻[未得感冒的占多数]。
A cold knot came to my middle, right where that gun was pointed. 一个冷硬疙瘩捅到我身体的中间,我想那儿顶着的是手枪。
A cold shower is very refreshing. 洗个冷水澡使人非常清醒.
A cold snap continues to grip much of the Northeast and upper Mid-west with temperatures well below freezing in some areas. 寒冷的天气继续遍及东北和中西部较高的地区,其中某些地区温度在零度以下。
A cold weather spell stunted most lettuce growth in western states. 一股寒流袭击了西部诸州,影响了大部分莴苣的生长。
A cold wind rustled the leaves. 寒风刮得树叶沙沙响。
A cold wind sears the leaves. 寒风使树叶变得槁木死灰。
A cold, inimical voice. 一个冰冷、充满敌意的声音
A cold, pale nun hurried by. 一个冷冰冰的,面色苍白的修女匆匆走过。
A collapse of the regime, followed by reunification, would impose unbearable costs on the South. 朝鲜政权崩溃后与韩国统一,对韩国来说仍代价过高。

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