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Although Princeton has a world-famous university, it is still a small quiet town.

Although Paris is the usual destination for travelers in France, you would be making a good choice by heading down south to Provence. 虽然旅客前往法国的目的地通常是巴黎,但如果南下到普罗旺斯也是个不错的选择。
Although Parliament had responded to economic pressure from America by repealing the Stamp Act, England obstinately maintained its tight to tax the colonies. 虽然国会撤消了《印花税法》对来自美国的经济压力作出了回应,但英国仍顽固地保持其对殖民地征税的权力。
Although Pescara are second from bottom in the table, the tactician doesn't want any more away day slip-ups. 虽然佩斯卡拉目前排名倒数第二,战术家不希望出现任何大意。
Although Petunia may wish to pretend she doesn't have a sister, as Harry believes she does, she is almost certainly offended at the way Marge is blaming Harry's imperfections entirely on Petunia's side of the family. 尽管佩妮总是假装自己没有妹妹(而哈利知道她有),但她肯定会因玛姬把哈利的“缺陷”全部归结于佩妮的家族而感到受了冒犯。
Although President Nixon did many good things, his paranoia ruined him. He surrounded himself with some ruthless men and his administration collapsed. Nixon got what he deserved. 虽然尼克松总统做了许多好事,但是他的偏执狂害了他。他周围有很多凶残的人,他的政府也倒台了。尼克松受到了应有的一切。
Although Princeton has a world-famous university, it is still a small quiet town. 普林斯顿虽然有一所世界闻名的大学,但仍然是个安静的小镇。
Although Reliance Industries, India's biggest private-sector company, is planning enormous, town-sized, SEZs near Mumbai and in Haryana, near Delhi, most of the others are tiny. 虽然印度最大的私营企业信心实业一直在计划在孟买、德里与哈里亚纳邦附近开发庞大的、城镇大小的经济特区,但其他地区的经济特区规模极小。
Although Santana is the hands-down favorite to win the American League Cy Young Award, Wang has made sure he will be a part of the conversation. 虽然山塔那是赛扬奖呼声最高的得主,但小民也确定能够参予角逐。
Although Sartre and the Beavernever married, they would indeed become lifelong partners. 虽然萨特和“海狸”(他给波伏瓦的绰号)从未结婚,但他们却是相伴终身。
Although Scotland is famous for its namesake whiskey, by far the most frequently consumed social beverage is ale, the stronger versions of which perfectly reflect the nature of the land and the people. 虽然著名的酒是与苏格兰同名的威士忌酒,但是最经常被人们消费的还是麦酒,这种酒劲很大的麦酒恰好反映了当地的自然与民族。
Although Ship-lap siding and shingles are about the only sidings I recommend removing, I have applied stucco over these on occasion. 虽然运输舔房屋板壁并且木瓦是关于我推荐去除的唯一的房屋板壁,我应用了灰泥这些在场合。

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