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Pre-school age children are very curious.

Pre-reading and pre-writing skills refers to the reading and writing skills that kids receive in the pre-school period. 学前阅读和写作技能是指学前儿童必须学会的阅读写作技能。
Pre-reductor is first proposed to reduce nodes dramatically, therefore the solving ability is enhanced and the speed of the solver is improved. 摘要提出了利用预处理器来提供强大的压缩节点功能,大大提高了电源网格节点电压求解器的求解能力和求解速度。
Pre-registered candidates must submit their ID number and pre-registration code in order to make a cancellation. The system will delete the candidate's information forever, once the cancellation is completed. 考生取消预约必须向在线预约系统提交已经登记的身份证号码和预约代码。取消预约完成后,系统将彻底删除考生的个人信息。考生再次预约,必须重新提交申请表单。
Pre-registration will be closed at 23:59 hours (+800GMT), 15 August 2007. 预登记现已开通,将持续到2007年8月15日23:59分关闭。
Pre-salt Sediment Group, Salt Sediment Group and Post-salt Sediment Group. 在剖面上可分爲三套地层组合,即盐下层系、含盐层系和盐上层系。
Pre-school age children are very curious. 学龄前孩子对什麽事都很好奇。
Pre-school education should last from three to seven, and children should specialise in academic or work-related courses when they reach 14. 学前教育应从3岁持续至7岁,当他们满14岁时孩子们才应该专注在学术或与工作相关的诸多课程。
Pre-school languages (Chinese and English) teaching style. Including listening, reading, conversation, oral, game and other language education activities to improve children present languages ability. Form a “3D” languages education environment. 以独创的第二母语教学法授课,引导幼儿以英文的思维去学习、思考,让孩子说英语像说母语一样流利。
Pre-soak in lukewarm water to 40℃ maximum,using a recommended mild wool detergent. 浸泡在加了中性羊毛清洁剂且水温不超过摄氏40度(华氏85度)的温水中。
Pre-solar grains are now estimated to make up a small part — only 100 parts per million — of the comet. 前太阳系颗粒估计填补了一小部分彗星成分——只有万分之一。
Pre-training analysis is a mandatory part of CIIC-Quest’s client servicing process, not an afterthought or a nice-to-have. 培训前的分析是中智-跨势对客户必然要进行的步骤,而不是可有可无或是事后才考察的事情。

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