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At (±)℃, main products of liquid-phase polycondensation of acetone catalyzed by NTA were diacetone alcohol (DAA) and mesityl oxide (MO).

Association of single nucleotide polymorphism of megsin gene with IgA nephropathy Megsin基因单核苷酸多态性与IgA肾病相关性研究
Association of the cause of the genital infection and the virile impercita by PCR. PCR诊断生殖道感染性质发病率与男性不育症的关系
Associations Between Gastral-Duodenal Ulcer and Salivary Deficiency 唾液腺缺乏与胃十二指肠溃疡
Astilbe mainly contains coumarin,flavonoids,sterols and acidic component,with the effects of eliminating stasis to stop pain,dispelling wind to eliminate dampness,relieving cough by cooling etc. 落新妇属植物主要含香豆素、黄酮类、甾醇类、酸性成分等,药理作用表明有散瘀止痛、祛风除湿、清热止咳等作用。
At 8 ℃~8 ℃ of water temperature ,the oxygen consumption rate of I. punctatus is 0 mg/g· h; the amount of oxygen consumption is 0 0 mg/individual·h, and the stifle point is 0 mg/L. 果表明 ,在水温 8.℃~ 8.℃时的斑点叉尾鱼苗的耗氧率为 0 . mg/ g·h,耗氧量为 0 .0 毫克 /尾·小时 ,窒息点为 0 . mg/L。
At (±)℃, main products of liquid-phase polycondensation of acetone catalyzed by NTA were diacetone alcohol (DAA) and mesityl oxide (MO). 实验结果表明,NTA催化丙酮液相缩聚反应的主要产物在反应温度为(±)℃时,为双丙酮醇(DAA)和异亚丙基丙酮(MO);
At h,the contents of fcnvaleratedecreased to .% in cuticle and increased to 8.% in coelom. 至小时,体壁中的相对含量减至 .%,体腔内的相对含量上升到8.%.
At 0℃, pH 8.0, the Michaelis-Mentent equation to the reaction of ACC synthase extracted from etiolated hypocotyls of soybean catalyzing SAM was: y=97.7x+.9×0~. The Michaelis constant Km was . μmol·L~(-). 在反应温度为 0℃,pH值为8.0的条件下,伤害处理的大豆黄化幼苗下胚轴部分提取的ACC合酶对底物SAM催化反应的米氏方程为:y=97.7x+.9×0~,米氏常数Km为 . μ mol·L~(-)。
At d, body weight in A, B were higher than C, heart girth in A, B, C was 7. 00, . , .7cm respectively, circunference of canon bone, wither height, body lenth were similar. 到 d,A、B组犊牛的体重均已超过C组,A、B、C三组犊牛的胸围分别为7.00、. 、.7cm,管围、体高、体斜长基本一致。
At ~d, gliosis was present. 天出现胶质细胞增生改变。
At week, the mAb was reactive with the CME, DREC, and the basal layer of the IFSE and TDIA, also with Hassall corpuscle of thymus, tlarderian gland and spleen. 周CME、DREC、IFSE与TDIA的基底膜有阳性细胞。

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