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A week before the start of the annual London fashion season, The Nielsen Company revealed what 25,000 people in 45 countries said about the body size of women strutting the world's catwalks and red carpets.

A week ago we were shocked and saddened to learn that my oldest sister-in-law has a terminal brain tumor. 一周前,得知我丈夫的大姐患晚期脑瘤,我们很震惊也很伤心。
A week ago, Noreen Barczewski's brother-in-law, Michael Barczewski, went to the Web site on a fluke. 诺琳·巴尔切夫斯基的姐夫迈克尔·巴尔切夫斯基碰巧在一周之前偶然的浏览了一下那家网站。
A week ago, Russia test-fired what it said was a new intercontinental ballistic missile with multiple warheads, able to counteract any missile shield. 一周之前,俄罗斯试射了一种所谓的新型多弹头洲际弹道导弹,该型导弹能够刺穿任何反导盾牌。
A week before Thursday's announcement, the Treasury received a firm signal from China that revaluation was imminent. 在周四中国宣布升值前一周,美国财政部收到了中国的明确信号:人民币即将升值。
A week before the 2001 election, Thaksin was charged with concealing assets in his telecommunications empire by transferring shares to relatives, his chauffeur, maid and others. 在二○○一年选举前一周,塔信被控隐瞒他电讯王国的资产,并把名下股票转移到亲戚、司机、女傭和其他人名下。
A week before the start of the annual London fashion season, The Nielsen Company revealed what 25,000 people in 45 countries said about the body size of women strutting the world's catwalks and red carpets. 在一年一度的伦敦时装季来临前一周,尼尔森市场调查研究公司公布了45个国家的25000人对T型台和红地毯上昂首阔步的女模特们外型的看法。
A week before, he had completed a successful overland flight during which he covered twenty-six miles. 一个星期之前,他成功地完成了一次飞越26英里的陆上飞行。
A week before, he had completed a successful overland flight during which he covered twenty-six miles. 一周以前,他曾成功地进行了一次26英里的陆上飞行。
A week by the sea is a luxury they can no longer afford. 海上度假一周,现在是他们再也无法享受的奢侈了。
A week by the sea will soon set you right again. 在海边呆上1个星期,就可以使你的身体迅速复原。
A week consist of seven days. 一星期由七天组成。

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