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Lyase An enzyme that catalyzes the separation of two parts of a molecule with the formation of a double bond in one of them.

Luzon,Mindro,Negros,Leyte,Cebu,Mindanao,etc.Typical wood of so-caled Philippine mahogany.Subsitute for Mahogany(Swietenia spp.)in Central and South America and commercially named Philippine mahogany.Belonging to Ruboshorea group. 产于菲律宾吕宋岛、民多罗、内革罗斯、利伊泰、宿雾、民答那峨等地﹐是菲律宾相当著名之一种木材﹐最典型的菲律宾桃花心木﹐在利用价值上可代替中南美洲之桃花心木。
Lv Jinchao, Senior Manager, MBA, currently serves as director of Fujian Xiamen Jinzhao Law Office, and takes the social posts as attorney of lawyer delegation of Xiamen Mayor, representative of Xiamen Municipal People's Congress, ,member of Overseas Chine 吕金朝,高级经理工商管理硕士,现任福建厦门今朝律师事务所主任,兼任厦门市市长律师团律师、厦门市人民代表大会代表、厦门市人民代表大会侨务外事委员会委员、厦门市人民代表大会台胞工作委员会委员、中华全国律师协会劳动与社会保障法专业委员会委员、福建省律师协会理事、厦门市律师协会常务理事、厦门市律师协会维权委员会副主任、厦门市律师协会劳动与社会保障法专业委员会主任、厦门仲裁委员会仲裁员、厦门市法学会理事等诸多社会职务。
Lv Jing,Chen Jinnan and Hu Dongdong.Numerical study of effects of wall slip on bi-component co-extrusion.Journal of Chemical Industry and Engineering,2004,55 (3):455-459. 吕静,陈晋南,胡冬冬.壁面滑移对两种聚合物熔体共挤出影响的数值研究.
Lv Meng answered, I am so busy with military affairs that I am afraid I have little time to read. 吕蒙回答道:军中的事务这么忙,我恐怕没有时间读书。
Lv Ruxiong , with the byname Lv Guanbo, was born in Yangjiang city, Guangdong province in 1947. 吕如雄,又名吕冠伯,一九四七年生于广东省阳江市。
Lyase An enzyme that catalyzes the separation of two parts of a molecule with the formation of a double bond in one of them. 裂解酶:一类能催化一个分子的两部分分离,并在其中一个上形成双键的酶。
Lychee is juicy and Longan is sweet, our Tang Court Chef prepare a range of fruity dishes with Lychee and Longan, for a efreshing fuity meal. 盛夏荔鲜龙眼甜,唐宫厨师选用新鲜的荔枝和龙眼炮制出多款特色菜肴,清新美味,不容错过。
Lycopene from tomato extract offers antioxidant benefits. 蕃茄中萃取的蕃茄红素能供给抗氧化效益。
Lycopene may offer significant benefit. 番茄红素对身体益处很大。
Lydgate paraded flighty, foreign notions which would not wear. 利德盖特是在卖弄自己那些轻率的、经不起时间考验的外国观念。
Lydia 's father, Phil Playfoot, said his daughter's case was part of a wider cultural trend towards Christians being silenced. 莉蒂亚的父亲费尔培福说,他女儿的案例是整体大环境,文化趋势的一部分,迫使基督徒应该保持「沉默」。

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