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Please be aware of your caddie and driving the cart after caddie said“OK”.

Please be advised that due to variations in manufacturing tolerances, the measurements listed can vary from what is installed. 请注意,由于制造公差有所变化,所以所列的尺寸随安装的不同而有所不同。
Please be advised the yellow fever requirement for passengers traveling to South Africa. 进入南非前,请注意黄热病的防疫措施。
Please be announced that the Fast East trading company had been founded in our city, which deal in importing and exporting, as well as the operation about international trade. 兹通告远东贸易公司已在本市成立,经营进出口及办理其它和对外贸易有关的业务。
Please be assured that IFI will continue to support your endeavor and your various programs to provide the Chinese drycleaning community with hands-on training, and under our mutual respect and concerted effort, we can make changes for better life for the 请放心,IFI将一如既往地支持你们的事业,支持你们开展的各种干洗培训项目,在双方相互尊重和共同努力下,我们可以为我们的子孙后代创造更加美好的生活。
Please be assured that we'll try our best. 请放心,我们会尽力安排的。
Please be aware of your caddie and driving the cart after caddie said“OK”. 一、球手开动球车时请注意球童的安全,待球童上稳车说“OK”后方可开车。
Please be aware that this is a crucial issue to us. 请了解这一点重关至们我对要。
Please be aware that you should keep your login information confidential and change your password on a regular basis to ensure optimum confidentiality. 请紧记将你的上网个人资料保密,及经常更改密码以确保资料不会外洩。
Please be brief because I am in a hurry. 我有急事,请长话短说。
Please be careful about use of water, electricity, gas, etc. 在使用水电煤气等等时要注意安全。
Please be careful as the porcelain are ever so valuable. 这些瓷器很贵重,所以请小心些。

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