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An impediment to scaling up these approaches, however, was that the quality of the entangled state decreased as the number of ions increased.

An immune algorithm based on parthenogenetic operators is proposed for solving the model. 构造出一种基于单亲遗传算子的免疫算法用于求解此模型。
An immune control based on vector distance for active suspension with a quarter automobile model was proposed. 采用该方法对汽车四分之一悬架模型进行免疫控制研究。
An impact (on the Mars) capable of ejecting a fragment of the Martian surface into an Earth-intersecting orbit is even less probable than such an event on the Moon, in view of the Moon's smaller size and closer proximity to Earth. 一个能够把活性表面的碎片射入地球交叉轨道的碰撞发生的可能性甚至小于这种事件在月亮上发生的可能性,考虑到月亮更小的尺寸及其与地球接近的程度。
An impacted maxillary canine is a frequently encountered clinical problem in the mixed dentition. 摘要上颚阻生犬齿是混合齿列期常遇见的问题。
An impatient, Democrat-controlled US Congress would dismiss the dialogue as a meaningless talking shop, and could reintroduce shelved tariff-raising measures to punish China for its failure to appreciate its currency or reduce its trade surplus with the U 一个缺乏耐性的、由民主党控制的美国国会,会把这个对话“唱衰”为一个无意义的清谈俱乐部,并可能再次出台被搁置的提高关税措施,惩罚中国没有提高人民币汇率和没有削减对美贸易顺差。
An impediment to scaling up these approaches, however, was that the quality of the entangled state decreased as the number of ions increased. 然而,当离子数量增加,缠结状态的品质就会下降,这种特性便成了这项技术的一道障碍。
An impeller optimization method based on the 3-D viscous flow analysis was proposed, where the blade was parameterized using inverse design method and neural networks was adopted. 摘要利用反问题计算间接对叶片进行参数化并结合神经网络技术,建立了一种基于三维黏性流动分析的叶轮优化设计方法。
An impenetrable fortress. 无法通过的森林
An imperfect competitor is one whose actions can affect a good's price. 一个不完全竞争者的行为可以影响某一商品的价格。
An impious act. 不虔诚的行为
An implement of adversarial game on the single chip micyoco was presented, and the solutions about the match between SCM's speed was discussed, space and adversarial program. 摘要介绍了博弈程序在单片机环境下的实现方法,讨论了单片机运行速度和空间容量与博弈程序匹配问题的解决方案。

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