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I believe that I have made myself succinctly clear .

I believe she's using this same technique with Ginny. 我认为她对金妮这一人物用了同样的手法。
I believe someday you'll be back with me. 我相信总有一天你会回到我身边.
I believe strongly in humanity in all situations, and show it even in irrationalityand the miscommunication. 我坚信在各种状况中的人性,都会有「不合理」与「缺乏沟通」的时候。
I believe that Dave remembers the event quite well. 我相信大卫对此事也记忆犹新。
I believe that I can be competent for this job. 2我相信我能胜利这项工作。
I believe that I have made myself succinctly clear . 我想我已表达得非常清楚了。
I believe that I will be a very good psychologic doctor. 我相信我会成为一个很好的心理医生。
I believe that I will die with loved ones close by and, one hopes, achieve that great gift of God__ death in peace, and with dignity. 我相信,我将在亲人们的簇拥中去世,而且,还会象有人期望的那样,得到上帝馈赠的那一份厚礼——死得安宁,保持尊严。
I believe that Martin had two motives. 我相信马丁有著双重动机。
I believe that Nancy's claims will bear up soon. 我相信南希的主张不久就会成为现实。
I believe that by stubbornly maintaining this weekly tradition, my kids and I are creating a ritual to carry us into the future. 我相信通过执着的保持这个每周的传统,我的孩子们和我正在创造一个例行仪式把我们带进将来。

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