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At the conference on the 7th, the City Red Cross Society decided the new group of council members with Vice Mayor Deng Qunfang elected as the President again.

At the conclusion of the Japanese war, the Nanking government had called on the Reds to lay down their arms, but not only had the Reds remained armed, but thousands of peasants and students who had allied themselves with the Communists to fight Chiang Kai 抗日战争结束时,南京政府要求共产党放下武器,然而不但共产党紧握手中枪,而且同共产党联合反蒋的成千成万的农民和学生也拿起武器,准备迎击进犯他们家园的蒋介石军队。
At the conclusion of the course, the motivated and diligent employee will emerge a changed person: A confident, self assured problem solver, logical thinker, entrepreneur and decision maker that is an asset to any company employing him or her. 在课程结束之际,那些积极勤奋的员工将摇身一变,成为一个大胆,自信的问题解决者,逻辑思维者,企业家和决策者,成为任何一个雇用他们的公司的宝贵资产。
At the conclusion of the course, the motivated and diligent manager will emerge a changed person: A confident, self assured staff problem solver and decision maker will emerge who can confidently manage staff and get fantastic results out of ordinary staf 在课程结束之际,那些积极勤奋的管理者将摇身一变,成为一个大胆,自信的问题解决者和决策者,他们能够自信地管理员工,并让那些拿普通薪资的普通员工创造出惊人的工作产能。
At the conclusion of the test you will be required to return your test book and answer sheet to the test supervisor. These materials are the property of ETS. 如答题卡上出现多个选项,该题目不会被记分,必须在各部分考试时间到达之前将该部分的答案写在答题卡上。
At the conference I was a fish out of water ,all the speeches were in french, a lanuage I never studied. 那个会议真叫我感到别扭。所有人发表讲话时都用法语,可是我从来没有学过法语。
At the conference on the 7th, the City Red Cross Society decided the new group of council members with Vice Mayor Deng Qunfang elected as the President again. 市红十字会7日举行大会,选举产生了新一届理事会,副市长邓群芳再次当选市红十字会会长.
At the conference the general manager winked at me several times, but I still couldn't figure out what he was hinting at. 在会议上,总经理向我眨眼示意了好几次,但我还是没有弄明白他在暗示什么。
At the conference, Mayor Wang Shunsheng introduced the priorities of developing petrochemical industry in Zhuhai and it caused widespread concerns in this field. 会上,王顺生市长介绍了珠海发展石化产业的优越条件,引起了业界高度重视。
At the conferences, Secretary General Huang Chin-ying first explained the teams proposing research projects for the evaluation and the gist of evaluation. 会中,首先由黄晋英秘书长说明本次参与研究计画提案的组别,以及评审应注意的要点。
At the contact point, the palm of the hitting hand should be facing your target as well. 在接触点,那打击的手掌应该也面对你的目标。
At the contest, however, other varieties of tea were also used. 但在这次比赛中,参赛者却还使用了其它品种的茶叶。

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