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A 42-year-old Chinese male was found to have a cystic lesion of 3 cm over posterior segment of right hepatic lobe one year ago and presented with fever and hepatomegaly on this admission.

A 40-year-old female with pigmented lesion on left index fingernail for decades came to our clinic due to recent pigmentation change on her nail. 摘要一位四十岁女性因其左手食指指甲数十年的色素病灶近来产生变化而至门诊就医。
A 400-pound gorilla on the loose at a zoo in the Netherlands. 在荷兰,一个400磅的大猩猩逃出了动物园。
A 400-pound 【gorilla】 (was) 【on the loose】 at a zoo in the 【Netherlands】. 荷兰一个400磅的大猩猩动物园跑了出来。
A 4000 year long history of skiing has made Norway a proud ski nation with great alpine resorts and more than 30, 000 kilometres of cross-country trails. 4000年悠久的滑雪历史使挪威成为一个以滑雪自豪的国度,有很好的高山滑雪胜地和超过30,000公里的越野滑雪道。
A 41-YEAR-OLD male nurse has won Germanys largest ever lottery jackpot of ?37.6 million ($63.77 million). 41岁的男护士赢得了德国最大的彩票头奖3760万欧元(合6377万美元、3.76亿元人民币)。
A 42-year-old Chinese male was found to have a cystic lesion of 3 cm over posterior segment of right hepatic lobe one year ago and presented with fever and hepatomegaly on this admission. 摘要我们报告一个42岁中国男性病例,该病人一年前在肝脏右后节叶有一个3公分大的囊样病灶之病史,此次住院呈现发烧及肝脏肿大。
A 42-year-old gourmet food junkie has skipped out on her restaurant bill so many times that she has been banned from the city of Rome, police said on Monday. 意大利首都罗马市的警方3月13日表示,该国一名42岁的妇女已被罗马在今后5年内拒之门外,因为此人屡次在当地餐厅就餐后赖帐。
A 43-year-old woman developed seizures and delirium following withdrawal of high-dose zolpidem which she had been abusing. 1例43岁妇女在滥用大剂量唑吡坦,突然停药后发生癫痫发作和谵妄。
A 45 year-old male patient suffered from a severe proptosis and eyelid retraction due to long-term hyperthyroidism. 摘要本文报告一甲状腺突眼症,经鼻腔以内视镜行眼窝减压术合并外侧减压术之成功病例。
A 45-year-old female with a history of tuberculous lymphadenitis received shoulder and sternal mass biopsy. 摘要一位有过结核淋巴炎的45岁女性接受肩膀和胸骨肿块切片。
A 47 years old female presented with a neck mass. Fine needle aspiration showed atypical cells but not diagnostic. Thyroidectomy was performed. A section of representative thyroid lesion is provided. 47岁女患,颈部肿物。针吸活检示非典型细胞,但不具诊断意义。行甲状腺切除术。切片示具代表性的甲状腺病变。

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