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For the purpose to perfect the risk assessment of major hazard installation, a vulnerability assessment methodology for industrial facilities is developed on the basis of relativity between target selection of attack and certain inherence of industrial fa

For the purpose of this exception combustion shall include any self-sustaining process of nuclear fission. 上述核子燃烧包括自发的核子分裂在内。
For the purpose of this paper, some rough separators between the software intended for professionals and those intended for home use is that the professional software tends to have many more image-processing tools, support more file types, and provide hig 这个说明书的目的就是要说明,专业版软件和家庭版软件之间的一些粗略的差别,即专业版软件有更多的影像处理工具,支持更多的文件类型,提供了高端处理方面的优势,诸如分层和电子水印。
For the purpose of this post, we define a generic network as one that exists primarily to keep in touch and a specialized network is one where people are brought together based on the specific common interest. 在这篇帖子中,我们定义一般性网站是那些主要是为了用户之间保持联系而存在的网站,专业性网站是那些主要依靠人们某种相同的兴趣爱好聚集在一起而形成的网站。
For the purpose of this terms of reference, “Chief Executive Office” refers to the “Managing Director” as referred to in Articles of Association of Beijing Beida Jade Bird Universal Sci-Tech Company Limited and also the “President” as referred to in the C 就本职权范围而言“行政总裁”等同于北京北大青鸟环宇科技股份有限公司章程内所指的“董事总经理”,亦即是公司架构内的“总裁”。
For the purpose of water right registration, a water rights registration book shall be in place. 主管机关办理水权登记,应具备水权登记簿。
For the purpose to perfect the risk assessment of major hazard installation, a vulnerability assessment methodology for industrial facilities is developed on the basis of relativity between target selection of attack and certain inherence of industrial fa 摘要为使重大危险源风险分析更加完善,从攻击者的角度分析工业设施(主要指化学物质或能量聚集的工业设施)固有特徵中影响袭击目标选择的诸因素,提出易受攻击性指标。
For the purposes of Mutual Benefit and Development, further more preferential treatments will be given to the key enter-prises in the zone. 对重点企业,工业园区还本着互惠互利,共同发展的目的,采取”一事一议”的方式,从优对待。
For the purposes of determining capital gains or losses. The acquisition cost of a property or chattel, plus the cost of any improvements to the property. 用于决定资本的损益,由物业或不动产购买成本加任何修建成本和称。
For the purposes of growing marijuana, there are two basic types of lights: fluorescents and high intensity discharge (HID), including MV (mercury vapor), MH (metal halide), and HPS (high pressure sodium). 对于种植大麻来说,有两种基本的光源:日光灯和高压放电灯(HID),包含了水银灯(MV)、复金属(卤素)灯(MH)和高压钠灯(HPS)。
For the purposes of the Foundation, to borrow or otherwise raise money with or without security and, for that purpose, to charge all or any part of the property of the Foundation and to guarantee or undertake the repayment or performance of any debt, liab 在基金理事会认可的情况下,为了基金会的目的借用或筹集资金,对基金会所拥有的全部或部分资产收取费用,确保或承诺对基金会所发生的任何债务、负债、合同、担保或其它约定进行偿还或履行义务。
For the purposes of the first paragraph hereof, the phrase change in tariff classificationmeans that, following manufacture or processing in a certain country (region) using materials not originating in the said country (region), the resulting goods cause 本条第一款所称税则归类改变,是指在某一国家(地区)对非该国(地区)原产材料进行制造、加工后,所得货物在《中华人民共和国进出口税则》中某一级的税目归类发生了变化。

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