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A first edition of a Donald Duck comic book from 1948 has been held behind bars in Sweden for a year-and-a-half amid a divorcing couple's drawn-out custody battle.

A firm was bankrupt for lack of management. 一家公司因经营管理不善而破产。
A firmware update is in progress. This may take a few minutes. Please wait. (正在进行固件更新。此过程可能需要几分钟。请稍候。)
A first class design document. 一个一流的设计文档。
A first course in psychology: how we think, see, feel, learn, talk, act, grow, fear, like, love, hate, lust, and interact. 心理学的第一门课程:我们如何思考、观察、感觉、学习、说话、行动、成长、恐惧、喜欢、爱恋、憎恨、欲望、和互动。
A first decline was sunken to provide access to the ore body and trail mining was carried out in different stopes. 第一次沉降为我们提供了接近矿体的机会,公司在不同的采矿场进行了试采。
A first edition of a Donald Duck comic book from 1948 has been held behind bars in Sweden for a year-and-a-half amid a divorcing couple's drawn-out custody battle. 一本1948年首次出版的唐老鸭漫画书在瑞典卷入一对夫妇的漫长离婚官司。夫妇二人对这本漫画书的保管权争执不休,致使该书被瑞典警方“关押”了一年半。
A first edition of his work is a rarity but a second is rarer still. 他的作品第一版是稀品,但再版更加稀有.
A first international cap came in April 2003 and despite injury spoiling the second half of last season at PSV, he recovered in time for Euro 2004 having already agreed to join Chelsea for the next season in March. 首次参加国际杯赛是在2003年4月,虽然那时他在赛季下半段受伤,但是他在2004年欧洲杯前及时复出,并且在接下的一个赛季加盟切尔西。
A first major mistake people make is thinking that the testing team is responsible for assuring quality. 人们犯的第一个主要错误是认为测试小组应当负责质量保证。
A first meeting with the manager. Learn to greet people and present yourself: say your name, what you do and where you come from. Say goodbye. 与经理的第一次会议,学习问候和自我介绍:学说你的姓名,你做什么事,你从那里来,说再见。
A first minute goal from Paolo Maldini and a double strike from Hernan Crespo just before the break looked to have left the Reds' hopes of Champions League glory seemingly in tatters before an amazing fightback saw them draw level. 马尔蒂尼开场不到一分钟的进球以及克雷斯波闪电般的帽子戏法似乎将利物浦夺冠的希望化为乌有,但之后是红军匪夷所思的起死回生。

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