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The code was extended to EU members' dependencies, so it covered tax havens such as Jersey, Guernsey and Cayman.

The code of conduct states that the conduct of business with employees, customers, consumers, suppliers and all others shall be on an honest, fair and equitable basis. 行为手则要求公司与员工、客户、供应商及其它实体的交易都应在诚信、公正和平等的基础上进行。
The code on this page grew out of a discussion on the Object Technology in Computer Science Education list server. 这个文章里的代码展示了关于对象技术再计算机科学教育目录服务上的讨论。
The code should be self-explanatory at this point. 这段代码此时应该不需要说明。
The code shows how to open, read, and append to a text file, as well as how to use the DAO data control. 代码显示了如何打开,读取及追加一个文本文件,以及如何使用DAO数据控件。
The code uses the CreateRectRgn API call to ignore transparent colors and create a form in the shape of the image. 这个应用程序展示怎样使用任何位图图象作为窗体。
The code was extended to EU members' dependencies, so it covered tax havens such as Jersey, Guernsey and Cayman. 此守则还适用于欧盟成员国的从属国,因此覆盖到了诸如泽西岛、根西岛、开曼群岛这些避税港。
The code was sent to your mail box , please note to check. 密码已经发送到您的邮件里,请注意查收。
The code which those words perpetuate embraces the highest moral laws and will stand the test of any ethics or philosophies ever promulgated for the uplift of mankind. 这几个名词的准则贯穿着最高的道德准则,并将经受任何为提高人类文明而传播的伦理或哲学的检验。
The code you submitted could not be authenticated. 不能鉴别你输入的认证码。
The coded message was indecipherable. 这份用密码写的消息译不出来。
The codefendant will probably benefits from the cooperation in the aspect of conviction or sentence. 作为相互合作的回报,同案被告在作证之徒可能在定罪或量刑方面获得相应的利益。

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