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8 In order to scientifically and objectively evaluate the environmental state of red tides monitoring and controlling zones, and release the results to the society by FJTV and other news media, Fujian Provincial Oceanic &Fishery Administration took the le

8 I shall pick you up tomorrow morning at 8:30,please wait for me in the hotel lobby. 明天早上8点半我来接你,请在旅馆大厅等我。
8 I will not accept people who are into sexual harassment as my clients. 喜欢性骚扰的人,是我绝不能接受的客户。
8 I will put you on standby. If any seat is available ,we will let you know . 我将把您列为候补,如果有空座,我们会通知您。
8 I work in the Second Construction Company of SINOPEC.(Market Department, Engineering Department). 我在中国石化集团第二建设公司(市场开发部、工程部)工作。
8 I'm sick of eating instant noodles everyday. 每天吃速食面让我吃腻了。
8 In order to scientifically and objectively evaluate the environmental state of red tides monitoring and controlling zones, and release the results to the society by FJTV and other news media, Fujian Provincial Oceanic &Fishery Administration took the le 8为了科学、客观地评价我省赤潮监控区环境状况,定期通过福建电视台以及新闻媒体向社会公众发布赤潮监控区环境状况,2003年福建省海洋与渔业局在全国率先制定并实施了《福建省赤潮监控区环境状况评价方法》,规范了我省赤潮监控区环境状况评价方法,取得了良好效果。
8 Ingham Clark CL, Lear PA, Wood S, et al.Potential candidates for sma ll bowel transplantation.Br J Surg 1992;79:676-679. 9黎介寿,李宁,尹路,等.同种异体小肠移植术.中国实用外科杂志1994;14:755.
8 It looked like a shooting star at first, but then the track of light broadened into two things that looked like rocket exhausts and the thing came down without a sound. 一开始像是颗流星,可接着那轨迹越来越亮,变成两个光点,就像是火箭喷出的气流,那个东西一点没出声就着落了。
8 It's a really spacious car with a huge boot/trunk. 这真是辆宽敞的车啊,还有个大大的后备箱。
8 Late Tuesday, on a subway ride from Brooklyn to the north of Manhattan, I resaw something I'd noticed and forgotten about. 星期二晚些时候,在从布鲁克林开往曼哈顿北部的地铁上,我又看到一个我注意过,可后来又忘了的现象。
8 Let's get down to the business of establishing a joint venture. 8我们来讨论一下建立合资企业的事宜吧。

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