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“conceived out of the fullest heat and pulse of European feudalism — personifying in unparalleled ways the medieval aristocracy, its towering spirit of ruthless and gigantic caste, with its own peculiar air and arrogance (no mere imitation).... Everything

“bring up first-class quality , pursue high quality services ” people of South Korean SXGSTYNpermanent pursuit , South Korean SXGSTYN creates the new world , market and people life style that is changing us constantly through science and technology, surmo “造就一流品质,追求一流服务”是韩国三星人恒久不变的追求,韩国三星通过科技创新不断地改变着我们的世界、市场以及人们的生活方式,超越时间和空间的界限,创造无限的可能。
“but it was the quickness. (可他非常快。)
“but it's beauty just come from its ugliness,” said the astronomer. “ it takes ugliness for beauty. “可这正是它的美!”天文学家说,“它是以丑为美的。”
“capital account transactions” refer to the increase and decrease of assets and liabilities in the balance of payments as a result of the inflow and outflow of capital, including direct investment, loans and portfolio investment etc. 七)“资本项目”是指国际收支中因资本输出和输入而产生的资产与负债的增减项目,包括直接投资、各类贷款、证券投资等。
“childhood, manhood, and decrepit age” (Francis Quarles). “童年,成年和老年”(弗朗西斯·阔勒斯)。
“conceived out of the fullest heat and pulse of European feudalism — personifying in unparalleled ways the medieval aristocracy, its towering spirit of ruthless and gigantic caste, with its own peculiar air and arrogance (no mere imitation).... Everything (莎士比亚作品)孕育自欧洲最强大的封建社会,将中世纪贵族制度、及其巨大森严的等级制度的精神本质、以一种前所未有的方式人格化,表现出它独有的气质和傲慢(不仅仅是模仿)......在莎士比亚作品中,任何可能做到的事情都做到了,目的就是使平民更像平民——非常平庸低贱。
“considering that the people here probably just felt three to five minutes of an unceasing shaking, so strongly they couldn't stand I suspected 6 would just be a piece of the entertainment. 这里的人们只感到3到5分钟的连续的震动,虽然很强烈以至于他们站立不住,但我怀疑它和昨天晚上的地震相比无足轻重。
“constitutionalization of eu treaties and legalization of international organization.” chinese journal of european studies, vol. 20, no. 5 (2002). 《欧盟条约宪法化与国际组织法律化》,载《欧洲研究》,2002年第5期。
“cruelty” means any infliction of unnecessary pain or distress on an animal whether by deliberate act or neglect. “虐待”意指任何故意,或因疏忽,而造成动物非必要的痛苦或紧迫之行为。
“cultural convergence and british labour party's eu policy.”international forum,vol. 2, no. 4 (2000). 《文化趋同与英国工党的欧盟政策》,载《国际论坛》,2000年第4期。
“current account transactions” refer to those components in the current account of the balance of payments, such as goods, services and unilateral transfers etc. 六)“经常项目”是指国际收支中经常发生的交易项目,包括贸易收支、劳务收支、单方面转移等。

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